
Summer Memories

The boys had a wonderful summer, full of new adventures, busy days, late nights and as much fun as we could pack into each day.  We look forward to the cooler weather of September and hope our pumpkin patch (courtesy of Daddy) is overflowing in October.  First birthdays and football games are right around the corner but for now we'll celebrate summer with these great memories...

Sam's Exciting Summer
...popsicles, hating the beach, movie night under the stars, tractors, sleeping late, using complete sentences, picking cucumbers withMema and Papa, "no more fireworks", cows, seeing Cade and "DD" nearly every day, crocs, singing songs, push ups, buzz cut, finally enjoying the pool, swinging, running, mastering the tricycle, working with Papa, hitting baseballs off the tee, pirate treasure hunt, many questions, tractor movies, learning to drive riding toys, roller coaster rides, sleepovers with Cade, helping in Daddy's garden, sidewalk chalk, golf balls, turning flips in the den, "I'll do it", cupcakes, dirty hands and feet, shooting snakes, peeing off the porch...

Jack's Wonderful Summer
...no more baby food, opening cabinets, squealing, loving the beach, push ups, standing up, new teeth, lots of Landry, crawling after balls in the driveway, bare feetsippie cups, eating sand, saying "dada" and "mama", loving the pool, hurt toes from crawling on the concrete, cows, wagon rides, giving up morning naps, swinging, ice cream, pointing, hanging with the big boys, dancing, unrolling toilet tissue, independence, laughing at Sam...


A Sure Sign...

...it may be a long Wednesday!


Happy Birthday Nana!

Today is Cade, Cannon,  Landry, Sam and Jack's Nana's birthday.  We put a little number together to help her celebrate.  Tom Cruise was Nana's favorite way back when so we thought a little "Risky Business"  would be appropriate. Please don't be offended by the name of our production company...when you see these boys dance, you'll understand.  Watch as they "raisethe roof", Sam does a great "George Jefferson" impression and Cannon attempts to play a little leg guitar.  We'll keep practicing...

Happy Birthday! We Love You!


Loving Life

That's how I feel today...I have a wonderful life.  My two boys are reaching new milestones every day and I am beginning to understand why so many say it is good to have your children close together.  Don't get me wrong, those first few weeks weren't pretty.  I think I was crying every day when Jody got home from work and even called him a few times to tell him that I just couldn't do it.  Yes, I was sure I was one crying spell away from the crazy house.  Allyson reminded me often...just get through the first three months and it will get easier.  She was right.  It does get easier and now I can't imagine my life without these two sweeties, 18 months apart, and becoming little buddies.  They actually make each other laugh now and seem to genuinely love each other.  Each of them lights up when they see the other and I often catch sweet interactions that they don't know I see.  Like today, riding home from errands I hear Sam say, "Mommy, that was nice."  I turn to see him handing Jack a french fry that he has carefully broken in to a safe size for his little brother.  "Yes, honey.  You are nice."  I catch Jack staring at Sam with wonder and amazement and hope he will always look to his big brother with such admiration.  I pray they will be best friends and will take care of each other always, long after I'm gone.  Don't get me wrong, they fight and I know the big fights are yet to come, but there is already a strong and special love that I can see growing each day.  And they are so much fun and both at such exciting stages.  Jack is still all smiles, can say "Mama" (I love it!), is pointing at everything now and still loves to tease us with a step now and then.  He is so cute...I beg him to walk to me...he stands there grinning at me from ear to ear, lets the anticipation build and then flops down as if to say, "Ha, got you again.  I'm not walking anywhere today."  And Sam, I had no idea that hearing your child communicate with you could be so amazing and just plain fun. He is expressive and smart and I can nearly understand everything he says now and when I don't he finds away to make me get it.  The other day he was attempting to tell me he wanted cinnamon rolls (his new favorite food) and I told him I could not understand what he was asking for to which he tried again with "Mommy, I want a cinnamon big snake."  Get it?  The cinnamon rolls he eats are dough rolled like a curled up snake.  I told you he is smart, pure genius. I can't wait to hear the next thing he will say...he is talking every minute and sharing a conversation with him is a joy I've never known.  Just the other day we were riding in the car and I said:

"Sam, you know what?" 


"I love you."

He sat there quietly for a few seconds and then said:

"Mommy, know what?"

My heart soared...was he going to repeat what I said to him...

"What honey?"

"I pick up golf balls."  Yes, I come in a close second to golf balls.  They are his favorite.  They creep into many of our conversations.  I also tell him often, "Sam, I love you to the moon and back"  to which he responds without hesitation, "Mommy, I love you to the moon and back and golf balls."  Hey, I'll take it.  

Just another Wednesday around here, but another day full of kisses, dirty diapers, hugs, messy faces and sticky hands.  Yes, pure bliss. 


A couple of pics from today:

      My Jack, who wakes up from naps looking this sweet and precious every day

And Sam, missing his Daddy who's away on business, and insisted on watching Noggin in his recliner where he sweetly curled up and went to sleep.


Will Work For Free

Yep, that's my Sam.  He is my little worker bee and everyone that knows him is amazed by the work ethic this kid has.  It is really quite amazing if I do say so myself.  You can line up the newest and greatest toys beside a pile of pine straw and a rake and guess where he would run...that's right, straight to the rake and he'd be moving that pine straw before you could blink. I guess I can thank his wonderful Papa for this attribute.  Sam has followed him closely, watching and learning as Papa patiently teaches him about tools, planting, raking yards and fixing things around the house.  He has learned to burn trash, trim tree limbs and till a garden. He always comes home from "helping Papa"  with black hands and feet and dirt rings under his neck.  His Daddy has taught him a lot too on their Saturday trips to the feed store and Tractor Supply.  He has learned all about tractors and checking fences and feeding his Daddy's cows. He even loves helping me in the yard...he'll haul away weeds and sticks in the back of his gator for hours on end, loving every minute of it.  It is who Sam is now, a fierce little worker who would love nothing better than to spend his days tinkering with tools and raking pine straw.  I know I have been blessed with my own little helper and I look forward to many Saturdays spent with him...I hope he will always find such joy in helping others and spending time with his family.  He  talks about when he gets to be a "big boy" and can be a farmer (or a cowboy-this is another dream of his) and I can think of nothing better suited for him.  I can see him now loving life as a farmer working his land each day...or maybe as a carpenter or even an mechanical engineer.  Heck, if he wants to drive a trash truck and that is what makes him happy, I'll be one proud Mama.  Just follow your passion sweet Sam and your work will be a blessing, not a burden.  I know he will change so much and he may become that lazy teenager who I can't even get to take out the trash but for now I stand back with pride and amazement at this little boy who is wise beyond his years, an old man in a two year old's body.  Today was a day of raking yards and filling his wheelbarrow full of straw as he helped his Mema and Papa.  I had actually planned to run errands with both boys and we were headed to Chick-fil-a and Target...that is until Sam looked over as we were backing out of the driveway.  Yes, there he saw Mema and Papa working in the yard and he yells (as he is trying to break out of his car seat), "No Mama, I stay here and work with my Mema and Papa."  "Oh, Sam.  Don't you want to go eat lunch with me?"  "No, I work."  And that's what he did.  


Helping Dig 

Picking Up Pine straw and Leaves

And Hauling It Away

Is He Proud of Himself, or What?


How Much Power Does a Push-Up Have?...

Around here, a whole lot.  Push-ups and Popsicles carry a lot of weight around here and can be used as bribery for just about anything:


-Hassle Free Diaper Changes

-Eating a Good Dinner


-Rewards for Not Fighting (This is especially for Sam)

-10 Minutes of Peace to Check Emails

-Cleaning Up Toys

-Not Whining

-Keeping a 10 Month Old Still for a Good 5 minutes

Yes, I use them as a parenting tool and I'm proud of it.  I know many of you are shaking your head...can't I just discipline them and be done with it?  Hey, I'm trying but there's nothing wrong with a little incentive to encourage a less stressful day.  So for all of you mothers who understand where I'm coming from, here's to push-ups, ice cream, popsicles and any other frozen treat.  For those of you that are doubting my parenting skills, spend an afternoon over here with my boys and Cade and Cannon, throw in a few fights, screaming matches and meltdowns and you'll be running to the freezer so fast your head will spin.  Trust Me. 


Beautiful Boys

Who says long eyelashes are just for girls?  My two boys have definitely been blessed with amazing eyes.  I always hoped for doe-eyed boys... I just love brown eyes and man did I get lucky.  Sam's eyes are definitely his best feature and I often find myself just staring at the long, thick, perfect eyelashes that God has blessed him with.  The poor boy, they are so long they stick together which drives him absolutely crazy.  His Daddy's lashes do this too...yes, he is doe-eyed with extra thick lashes too.  People are always commenting on Sam's eyes and I must admit they are the prettiest I have ever seen (I'm a little partial, huh?).  Then my sweet little Jack came along looking just like Sam from the moment I first laid eyes on him.  Could I be so lucky and have two brown-eyed boys?  Yes...I knew immediately that Jack would have those same beautiful, dark eyes and I love it!  He doesn't have the lashes like Sam yet, they are long and dark but I doubt they will ever catch up with Sam's.  That's okay though, his big smile and sweet personality will be what people remember about him.  So I sure got lucky...it's as if I special ordered these precious brown-eyed beauties.  Maybe one day a little girl will come along (or another boy...that would be okay too) and continue the trend.  Lord knows she doesn't need to inherit my pitiful excuse for lashes!


On a side note, Sam's Mema said his haircut would make him mean and I'm beginning to wonder if she's right.  He has definitely been a little snake today!  Jack took two steps tonight but then refused to try anymore.  I thought he would have been walking a month ago.  He's been standing alone for so long now.  So here's to a Sunday full of practicing first steps and chasing Sam around with the "spanker."

 My Two Beauties


What's All the BUZZ About...

Sam's Hair.  My baby got his first buzz cut tonight and I hardly recognize him.  When he walks by, I have to do a double take.  He looks like he should be in first grade...where is the 2 1/2 year old that was just here two hours ago?  This was all his daddy's doing.  You see,  Jody is convinced that he is allergic to Sam's hair.  I know, ridiculous, huh?  But Sam sleeps with us (no comments, please and by the way, Jack sleeps in his crib so I'm 1 for 2) and Jody has decided that Sam's hair is similar to that of a cat and is causing him to have allergies.  He swears he wakes up in the morning wheezing because of Sam's "Cat-Like" hair.  I have insisted that this just isn't possible but tonight Jody won.  He buzzed my sweet baby's hair and as each clump fell to the floor I thought I would be sick.  Sam has great hair and I know it will grow back, but I am full of regret.  I have put my foot down and said, "Absolutely, never again"....and  I mean it!  When Sam saw himself in the mirror he said, "I don't like it!" but now he is running around the house yelling, "I look like Cade."  And to Sam, that is a big deal...Cade is the standard.  So he's happy, Jody's happy, Jack couldn't care less and I'll be searching for a hair growth treatment tomorrow at Target.

                                                                            Hating It!

                                                                    "Itchy, Itchy, Itchy"

Where did my baby go?

Still My Handsome Boy


I've Officially Lost Control

Bath time is mass chaos now.  What used to be one of my favorite times has turned into an exhausting event.  How can I describe it...ever heard the phrase "rat on acid", well that about sums it up.  From trying to pull down the shower curtain, wrestling and slinging water all the way to the sink, I have lost all control.  The day has come...these two monkeys are conspiring against me, already.  I say, "No, more splashing...I'm getting my spanker" only for them to pause for a split second as if they are listening and then turn to one another, grin, and splash like nobody's business.  They look at me and laugh...I really think they are taunting me as if to say, "Yeah, get that spanker, but you'll have to catch our little wet butts first."  I am outnumbered, already.  My frustration passes quickly, even after having to use four towels to dry the walls, toilet and floors.  I remind myself that this is what kids do, they splash and make terrible messes, all with an innocent grin.  So I'm sure my crazy bath days are just beginning and I'll try to remember to enjoy each and every splash and smile.

     Jack tries to pull down the shower curtain...

   And the splashing begins..... 

   And then the wrestling....

                                        But they had fun...and isn't that what matters?