
Will Work For Free

Yep, that's my Sam.  He is my little worker bee and everyone that knows him is amazed by the work ethic this kid has.  It is really quite amazing if I do say so myself.  You can line up the newest and greatest toys beside a pile of pine straw and a rake and guess where he would run...that's right, straight to the rake and he'd be moving that pine straw before you could blink. I guess I can thank his wonderful Papa for this attribute.  Sam has followed him closely, watching and learning as Papa patiently teaches him about tools, planting, raking yards and fixing things around the house.  He has learned to burn trash, trim tree limbs and till a garden. He always comes home from "helping Papa"  with black hands and feet and dirt rings under his neck.  His Daddy has taught him a lot too on their Saturday trips to the feed store and Tractor Supply.  He has learned all about tractors and checking fences and feeding his Daddy's cows. He even loves helping me in the yard...he'll haul away weeds and sticks in the back of his gator for hours on end, loving every minute of it.  It is who Sam is now, a fierce little worker who would love nothing better than to spend his days tinkering with tools and raking pine straw.  I know I have been blessed with my own little helper and I look forward to many Saturdays spent with him...I hope he will always find such joy in helping others and spending time with his family.  He  talks about when he gets to be a "big boy" and can be a farmer (or a cowboy-this is another dream of his) and I can think of nothing better suited for him.  I can see him now loving life as a farmer working his land each day...or maybe as a carpenter or even an mechanical engineer.  Heck, if he wants to drive a trash truck and that is what makes him happy, I'll be one proud Mama.  Just follow your passion sweet Sam and your work will be a blessing, not a burden.  I know he will change so much and he may become that lazy teenager who I can't even get to take out the trash but for now I stand back with pride and amazement at this little boy who is wise beyond his years, an old man in a two year old's body.  Today was a day of raking yards and filling his wheelbarrow full of straw as he helped his Mema and Papa.  I had actually planned to run errands with both boys and we were headed to Chick-fil-a and Target...that is until Sam looked over as we were backing out of the driveway.  Yes, there he saw Mema and Papa working in the yard and he yells (as he is trying to break out of his car seat), "No Mama, I stay here and work with my Mema and Papa."  "Oh, Sam.  Don't you want to go eat lunch with me?"  "No, I work."  And that's what he did.  


Helping Dig 

Picking Up Pine straw and Leaves

And Hauling It Away

Is He Proud of Himself, or What?

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