
So Hard

I wasn't prepared for this. The letting go. It sounds so cliche. Except it isn't. It sounds so silly. Because, really, it's just kindergarten. But it isn't silly. It is overwhelming. All I keep hearing in my cluttered mind is, "Wait! Stop! You can't do that. You can't leave yet. Wait. Something's missing. Stop, now! A piece is missing." I was so unprepared for this. This is so hard. And I'm just not doing well at all. And that's not cliche. That is real.


Anonymous said...

You are not alone, although I know that doesn't help the way your heart hurts. Most Moms feel your pain. The cafeteria at West Clayton has been set up with a program called "Tissues and Tears" We have tissues available, coffee and doughnuts. I see Moms crying every morning. It will get better. Sam was so excited about his homework last night. He does like Kindergarten, he just misses you. He will get into a routine soon and it will be Ok. Lots of Love,

Mary Evans said...

Oh Angela I wish I could tell you it gets better,, but it does not.... It is so hard to let them go, that is part of why I am homeschooling because we only have them for a little while! Hang in there and get lots of kisses and hugs!

Michelle Oliver said...

Wait til you stop walking him in and he gets out of your car and goes in the building by himself. It rips your heart out. You realize just how big they are. It took Cole 2 weeks to adjust. He was exhausted. It took me about a month. You need to volunteer when Jack is at preschool. You will feel soooo much better, seeing what they do every day. You can probably imagine it is fun but you really need to see what his day is like. You will still miss him but it will help knowing what he is up to.


Lisa Hardee said...

Why do you think I went back to work full time. I can't stand it either and mine is right down the hall. Wait til your baby starts. Now, that really doesn't seem right. I see Sam everyday! He seems happy and I always wave to him. He is probably wondering who in the world that teacher is that is always smiling at him. They have lots of fun in there, but I know the feeling!