
BBQ Sauce and Broken Glass

How NOT to start the day...thanks, Meatball.


That Day

My Dearest Sam,
Today you are three and a half. My baby is three and a half. You are growing at a pace that terrifies me and I am so afraid that each new day will be that day. That day when you wake up and don't call for me as you wait patiently for me scoop you up in my arms and cover you with good morning kisses. That day that you don't need my help putting on your socks. That day that you no longer need me to pour you a milk cup. That day when you don't need me to peel your orange. That day that you don't need me by your side as you drift off to sleep. That day, my Sam, will be here soon enough. Sooner than I want.

But honestly, son, I never wish to see that day. If I could hold you and protect you as my sweet, innocent, perfect little boy for all my days, I would. In the blink of an eye. I would spend the rest of my days scooping you up in the morning, taking care of your every need every hour of every day and end the day gazing at you as you fall of into a land of dreams. In the blink of an eye.

It makes my heart break a little to know that this isn't how life works. You will grow, with each passing day, you will grower bigger and stronger. You will continue to find your independence and that day will certainly come when you need me a little less. I can only imagine how I will feel that day. Just thinking of it leaves me feeling heartbroken. And while I know I will experience great joy watching you become all God intends you to be, I will surely miss you as you are today, my little boy.

You are kind and sweet, compassionate and caring, inquisitive and smart. You are stubborn and tough and I see you becoming a little more defiant these days. And though there are times you are disobedient and careless, those times are soon forgotten and overshadowed by all the wonderful things that make you, you. You are so much more than I ever imagined you would be and I love you so much more than I ever dreamed possible. And just when I think I can't possibly love you any more than I already do, I do. I love you more and more and more. So I'll promise to love you more and more with each passing moment if you'll promise me you'll always remember that no matter how tall you grow and or how many more half birthdays you see come and go, always remember I am here. I am here and I will be here forever. I'm forever here to love you. Forever.

Thank you for being my sunshine, my only sunshine. I love you. To the moon and back.



Train Ride

We woke up bright and early, and I mean really, really early, Friday morning and headed to Cary to the train station. Nana and JP had planned a trip for the three big boys to ride the train to Greensboro. Aunt Jane and Riley even joined in on the fun and went on the trip too. We arrived at the train station at 6:45 to catch the 7:02 train.

The boys were thrilled. Sam was even easy to wake up that morning, which was a surprise. When I told him he had to wake up and get dressed to go to the train station, he popped out of bed, grinning from ear to ear.

Waiting patiently...
Their first glimpse of the train coming their way...
All Aboard!
Someone felt a little left out and kept saying "Train! Train!" He was sweet the entire ride to Greensboro. He watched Dora, ate Chick-fil-a and enjoyed the sights.
We picked everyone up from the train station and headed to the museum. We met Taylor and baby Caleb and Ally and Landry at the station to pick up the crew. Imagine Sam's excitement when he walked in to see this. Boy was he happy...
The boys pretended to be bugs...
Really, really cute bugs...
Sam and Jack ignored the ropes around the "Do Not Touch" exhibits. I turned to see Sam sitting in the middle of a huge rock, with ropes all around it and later he tried climbing into the dinosaur exhibit. Luckily, there were several "hands on" exhibits. Jack really loved the submarine...
We headed outside to check out the small zoo. Sam saw a few animals that he is really familiar with...
My monkey was mesmerized by the real monkeys...
But he kept a safe distance from the crocodiles...
The boys loved getting very close to, Jupiter, the wallaby. He hopped all around them and the boys got pretty close to touching him before he darted away...
The fab five and two extra cousins, Caleb and Riley, had a wonderful day. We headed to a park for lunch, but rain cut our time there short. We packed up and headed home. Jack was asleep within five minutes and Sam soon joined him. Both boys woke up when we pulled in the driveway and I was counting down the hours until bedtime. I knew they would still be exhausted and go to bed early, which meant I could go to bed early too. Well, Jack complied but Sam had other plans. He talked my ears off until 11:30. Really, how many times must one attempt to explain why the bear looks real but doesn't move and why the howler monkey's mama doesn't spank them for making those burping noises? Over and over and over again, I'm afraid.



Jody gave Jack the nickname "Meatball" many months ago. And it made me cringe. Meatball. I don't want my kid being called Meatball or Bubba or anything of the sort. But I must admit, Meatball kind of fits. Jack is my cuddly, adorable, sweet, second son who brings me huge doses of joy on a daily basis. Meatball is his alter ego, the one who stirs up trouble and creates disasters in mere seconds. The are very different, but one in the same. Jack gives hugs and kisses, waves at everyone, smiles and laughs and giggles with excitement. Meatball does things like...
walk around like this in his attempt to scare the daylights out of someone.
use sidewalk chalk to decorate Mama's treadmill (Note: Removing chalk from treadmill is ridiculously hard and the belt will never really be completely clean again).
strike a pose showing off "assets" to whomever is around. Meatball is never embarrassed.
experiment with the plumbing by seeing what he can actually get to flush down the toilet, like a small, plastic panda. This leads to two plumbers, two hours of labor and removing the toilet from the floor to dislodge Meatball's handiwork.
walk around with one shoe on and that one shoe worn in a new, creative way.
use the refrigerator door for a swing. You know, because we don't have a swing set in our very own backyard.
run like he stole something when I catch him doing something bad, which is pretty often.
Meatball also led his parents to install a new lock high on the door to keep him from escaping. And when he figured out he could use a He-Man sword to undo that lock, his Daddy had to alter it to make it sword-proof. Meatball has also been seen opening the refrigerator door, removing his diaper and urinating inside said refrigerator. He has also stolen and hid items that have never been recovered (cell phone, money, keys...) and has developed a new obsession with the toilet plunger. Our little Meatball, full of mischief and mayhem. Yes, the name definitely fits.



What have these two been up to?


Jack now only refers to his Daddy as "Jody" and we have no idea why. Sam never did this. It's always "Hey, Jody!" "Look, Jody!" "Come here, Jody!" and it is quite cute.

Sam was horsing around at the dinner table and poked himself with his fork, missing his eye by centimeters. He has a nice cut below his eye and nearly gave his poor mother heart failure.

We are planning Jack's birthday party. There won't be a tractor party like Sam's second birthday. No, my youngest insists on having a Boots and Dora party. I have asked him a million times hoping he would offer another suggestion. Nope. Dora and Boots it will be.

Sam can now dress himself pretty well. This is a wonderful milestone but can honestly be a little annoying. Like any new trick, one must do it over and over and over again. Sam changed outfits four times before noon yesterday. Lord, give me patience.

Jody and the boys have found and brought home two turtles this week. The latest, a snapping turtle, is resting comfortably in the back of the gator for me to have to look after tomorrow.

I will be actively searching for a refrigerator lock tomorrow.

I discovered The Golden Girls are back on tv and I still really love that show. Apparently Sam really likes it too. I walked in today to Sam perched on the couch as the opening song began. And my boy sang that song like a champ and knew nearly every word. You know, "Thank you for being a friend..." I was so proud.

I walked inside today to grab a couple of popsicles and returned to find the gator completely backed up to Mema's fence, 25 yards from where it was when I went in. I had just left the gator parked safely in the driveway and my two boys playing in the yard. It could have turned out so badly and I am so grateful it didn't. Yes, they can now release the emergency brake and put it in gear. Merely removing the key will no longer do. Now what?

Jack had removed his diaper and peed on my floor at least 15 times in the past two days. I am coming really close to taking Jody's advice and rubbing his nose in it. Just kidding...maybe.

Speaking of Jack using the bathroom...he has twice darted out the door, peeled of his clothes and ran to his Mema's house. For what? My child steps one foot across the property line, squats, drops a load and turns back around and runs home. And I have to go behind him with a plastic bag and clean up like someone at the park with her dog. Lovely.

Sam will now hit or aggravate Jack and when I ask him what happened he will calmly look at me and say, "If you tell me the truth, you won't be in trouble." Talk about using your words against you.

Jack discovered that a six disc dvd player will break when you jam 10 discs in at the same time.

Sam now insists on opening his own snacks with his plastic hunting knife. I appreciate his independence but his plastic toy knife leaves quite a mess for his Mama to clean up.

And as I type this, I am watching my oldest dump out his cup full of milk in the sink, pull up a chair to the counter and refill his cup with the coke I left out. It never really stops, does it?



Last night we met Nana and JP at the carnival downtown. I was surprised by how excited Sam and Jack both were to ride the rides. They rode the carousel, dizzy dragons, train and roller coaster. The roller coaster was a favorite and they ended the night riding on motorcycles and fire engines. We ended the night with pizza at Nana's and two very tired little boys.
Taking a spin on the carousel...

Sam "drives" the train...
Jack happily sits in the caboose...
Loving the roller coaster...
Look at my youngest, my little thrill seeker, and his more cautious, older cousin...
Jack spent a lot of time walking around with his hand in his pocket...
He was thrilled to see his favorite girl on one of the rides...
One last ride on the motorcycle...
Jack handles the back of the fire truck...


Eating My Words

I've learned in my short time being a Mom that I should never say what I won't do. Or what my kids won't do. I should permanently remove "I will never let my kids..." or "You'll never see my kids..." from my vocabulary. My children have caused me to eat a whole lot of words. A belly full. But today I did something I never, ever thought I would do. I put a leash on my child. Yes, a leash. I swore I would never be one of those parents. The kind who can't control her own child and therefore must revert to slapping a harness around her child. No, not me. Never. And then I had Jack. Leashes were invented for Jack. G-Ma gave me a cute monkey leash when Sam was little. Needless to say, it has never been used. Until today. We took the boys to a carnival downtown and I broke out the leash. I envisioned Jack running wild down main street or getting snatched by some shady carnival worker. So we put the leash on...and my poor child was so humiliated.
He fought the leash with all his might, struggling to unhook the buckles. Jody held tight to little Jack, our embarrassed wild child.
Cade, who desperately wants a pet, thought the leash was about the coolest thing ever. He could actually walk his little cousin around like a dog. Cade was thrilled to lead him around and Jack seemed a little less bothered to be dragged around by his cousin.
Thankfully, we only had to leave the leash on for about five minutes. That's all it took to put the fear of restraint in him. He stuck close to the crowd the rest of the evening and didn't get in trouble at all. Maybe the leash is my new discipline tool. Some Moms I know carry a wooden spoon around and flash it when they need to. I'll be the Mom who whips out the leash. And keeps eating my words.


Listen Up

Jack has something important to say...
His big news is written on his shirt...
If he would just be still and face this way...
There. Wow. Enjoy a new song too, courtesy of my middle child.


Goodbye Summer

Goodbye summer. Goodbye swimming pool membership that we didn't use nearly enough. Goodbye wet bathing suits and water wings and our cooler full of juice boxes and tractor snacks. Goodbye endless coats of bug spray and sunscreen. Goodbye long days in the hot sun, watching my two favorite buddies splash themselves silly and yell, "Watch this, Mommy!" over and over and over again. We are looking forward to pumpkin patches, football games and Harvest festivals. Time for blue jeans and long sleeves as we run through the fallen leaves in the wonderful, cooler weather. Life is good.