
Still Trying

My fresh new three year old is having a tough time mastering the "three fingers up" answer to "How old are you?"  But we're working on it and hoping he figures it out before he turns four.   He just can't extend that little ring finger enough and tuck his pinky finger tightly with his thumb.  Oh, the struggles of being three...

"Man, this whole being three thing is tough"...


Baby Love

Lila Grace is Jody's cousin Andy's baby and she lives just a few miles away (just like everyone in his family does) so we get to see her quite often.  Both of my boys love her.  Jack really, really loves her.  He runs to her saying "Baby, Baby" with his arms stuck out waiting for you to place her in his arms.  He wants to hold her the entire time she is here and whines if you take her away from him.  Both boys fight over who gets to hold her the longest and I am constantly rotating her so that one has her head and the other holds her legs for equal amounts of time.  Little Lila came for a visit a couple of days ago.  Sam happened to be napping so Jack was thrilled to have her all to himself.  When he saw her he ran and jumped in the recliner and patted his lap until I brought her over to him.  He held her so sweetly and gently and was grinning from ear to ear.  He kissed her head and patted her little legs as he "rocked" her.  And boy did he get MAD when I took her from him.  He is a baby lover.  I have never quite seen a little boy enjoy a baby so much.  His big brother sure didn't feel that way about him when he was a baby!  But I am grateful this little sweetie has a soft spot for babies because I sure hope I'm not done having babies (breathe, Jody, breathe).  


"We're Going on a Bear Hunt"

Today was a wonderful day.  The weather was beautiful, windy, but beautiful.  A perfect day to go on a bear hunt and have a big bear birthday party for my three year old sweetie.   Sam enjoyed the company of his three best buds, Cade, Cannon and Jack and two pretty little girls, Landry and Madi, at his birthday party.  All eight of his great grandparents were here along with his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We enjoyed cake, ice cream and of course "teddy" grahams and gummy "bears."  After cake, G-Ma read "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" and got everyone ready to go out hunting bears.  The kids dug into their goodie bags and found all the necessary items for the big hunt: binoculars, a gun, a knife and a hat.  They put on their boots and we were off and just like in the book we went through the tall grass, over a river, through mud, near a cave and our brave little hunters spotted two big bears on their hike.  They were so excited as they pulled  their guns and knives out to protect themselves.  A scary wolf came out of the barn at the end of our hunt (thanks to Brad and Jody who thought this was hilarious), and after screaming and running most of the hunters remembered to use their gun scare the wolf away.  We headed back home to open gifts and Sam got lots of help from Cannon and Madi as they all tore through the gifts in seconds.  Then it was play time with everyone running around, riding the roller coasters and flying kites.  We had a wonderful day and are so thankful Sam could celebrate his special day with his wonderful family and friends.  He is a very blessed and loved little boy.  After everyone left, I asked Sam what his favorite part of his party was.  I expected to hear "hunting bears" or "flying kites." His response..."Ummm, eating chips."  An organized bear hunt complete with bear decoys and weapons, mounds of presents, friends everywhere and my boy appreciates the chips.  That's my Sam...



Yippee...I'm Three!

Today was full of fun, friends and celebration.  Sam woke up to me singing to him as he walked into the den.  He didn't seem to appreciate my voice, as he ran and buried his head in the recliner.  He chose blueberry muffins for breakfast and after eating we headed outside to see his gift.  Jody and I and G-Ma and Poppa surprised Sam with a rock wall for the back yard.  He loved it and made his way to the top in record time.

Nana and JP came over and brought Sam's gift...a Robin Hood costume that Nana made him.  Sam loves, loves, loves Robin Hood and has watched the movie at least 100 times.  He thought his costume was pretty cool, after he got over the initial embarrassment of "dressing up" in front of everyone.

Cade, Cannon and Landry came to play after lunch and check out the new rock wall.  They all sat in the driveway and sang "Happy Birthday" to Sam.
G-Ma came back with cupcakes to celebrate.  They all really enjoyed them.

Some really, really enjoyed them...
A great day for my terrific three year old.  We are making all the preparations for tomorrow and hoping the rain will be gone by morning so Sam's "Big Bear Birthday Party" can go on as planned.  The big entertainment for the party is for all the kids to go on a bear hunt around the farm so we really need clear skies by 3:00 tomorrow.  I think I am looking forward to the big hunt more than the birthday boy...


Before tomorrow...

On the eve of your third birthday, there are a few things I want you to know...

You at age three.  How can I describe the wonderful, beautiful, perfect little boy that is Samuel John Standley?  You are smart with so much knowledge on so many things.  You ask lots of questions as you excitedly learn about the world around you. You are shy and reserved but can also be the loudest kid in the room if you are comfortable in your surroundings.  You are observant and wise as you sit back and take in everything you see. You are careful and cautious before trying something new. You are genuine and honest and you exude pure innocence. You are strong and hardworking and love helping others. You are kind and compassionate and your heart can often be found resting sweetly on your sleeve.  You are passionate...when you like something you really, really like it and when you dislike something everyone knows it.  You are a constant source of amazement and joy for me and your Daddy and we often find ourselves discussing how blessed we are to be your parents.

You are simple yet complex and just when I think I've got you figured out, you quickly remind me that I don't.  You are stubborn and persistent and while these traits may be tough to handle at times, I am often reminded that you are a lot like your parents.  You find great joy in pleasing your parents and I believe you will be the child who would rather receive a spanking than be told you disappointed us.  Whenever you get in trouble, you worry endlessly over whether I am mad at you or not, asking me over and over again, "Are you happy, Mommy?"  Your amazing heart is what makes you, you.

You are a mother's dream and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to know you as my son. You have taught me about the good things in life and I relish every moment spent with you.  I never knew such joy could come from snuggling beside a sleepy toddler as I stroke your hair and breathe in every detail of your face.  Watching you grow, as you become more beautiful every single day, has been the most rewarding gift God has ever bestowed on me.  I take great pride in raising you to be all that God intends you to be.  I will support you, push you, love you, teach you, comfort you, listen to you and be your biggest cheerleader as you chase your dreams.  I once heard someone say that the best gift a parent can give their child is for their face to light up when their child walks into the room.   I believe this to be true.  So while I may not always do things right and at times I will certainly fail you, I can promise you with all certainty that my face will always light up when you walk into the room.  

Tomorrow will be your day, full of celebration and laughter.  And while I will enjoy every minute of your joy, I will be a little sad as I sit back and watch you blow out another candle on your cake.  It seems like just weeks ago that you were placed in my arms for the first time and now you are three and one step further away from that tiny baby I first fell in love with not so long ago.  But as I've told you hundreds of times, you'll always be my baby.  As long as I'm here, no matter how old you are or how tall you grow, you are my baby.  And I love you beyond meaning and there will never be enough time for me to tell you just how much.  Thank you for being you.  My beautiful, amazing, three year old son. I love you...to the moon and back.



The countdown begins...two more days and my baby turns three.  I am struggling to wrap my brain around it.  Three just seems so old to me.  You blink and he's 6 months old...and then walking...and before you know it, he's three.  I visited my cousin, Taylor, tonight.  She gave birth to a beautiful, oh, so sweet little boy this afternoon...Caleb.  As I held him in all his perfection and innocence, I thought back to my Samuel who was nearly that exact perfect, little size.  And my heart ached that time seems to speeding at a pace that I am none too happy with.   Allyson is so right as she often reminds me, "The days are long, but the years are short." 

We have a weekend full of fun ahead of us.  Saturday will be all Sam, all day.  Just us celebrating his big day...all day.  And Sunday we'll be going on a bear hunt at his "Big Bear Birthday Party."  So much to do.  So much to look forward to.  Note to self: add Kleenex to the grocery list.  I have a strong feeling this Mama is going to need it.


Ten Things I Love About Jack

1.  The way he runs.  His chest is always far ahead of his feet and he looks like he may tumble forward at any minute.  He shuffles his feet so fast with short, quick steps that he looks like he is half skipping, half running.

2.  His midnight antics.  If he wakes up in the middle of the night or too early in the morning I take him a cup of milk.  He is always sitting up waiting for me and he reaches for the cup, tucks it safely under one arm and reaches up for me with the other...and into our bed he goes.
3.  His jumping skills.  When you ask Jack to jump, he puts his game face on and lifts one leg off the ground and stomps it back on the floor.  He always lets out a big "AHHH" and a huge grin.  He thinks he is jumping so high.

4.  His love for his Daddy.  While I would like to believe that I am his number one, I believe he would happily take his Daddy over me any day of the week.  He runs to greet him when he comes home for work and when Sam is demanding only Mommy, he sweetly and happily runs to his Daddy's arms.

5.  Those eyes.  My little doe-eyed boy with the dreamiest gaze.  He stares so intently, so sweetly as he observes the world around him.  I could stare at those yummy chocolate eyes forever.

6.  His effort.  He tries so hard at everything you ask him to do.  He will do his best to say the words you ask and is quite vocal.  He loves "helping" retrieve things for Mommy and enjoys nothing more than pushing the vacuum around to "clean" for me.   
7.  The way he looks at his big brother.  He thinks Sam is a rock star and mimics him, laughs at everything he does and gives him sweet kisses on his head to wake him up in the morning. Jack simply adores Sam.  Yes, he plays the little brother role very well.

8.  His habits.  Since he was a tiny baby, he has always, always loved to rub his fingers through my hair.  When he is upset, tired or just plain bored he will wrap his arms around my neck and entwine his fingers in my  hair.  If I put him in our bed, he always puts one arm under my head, the other around my neck and has both hands in my hair...and this is how we sleep.
9.  His humor.  He is funny.  Really funny.  He works hard to make us laugh and he is rather good at it.  And when we laugh, he laughs.  The sweetest, purest, happiest laugh you've ever heard.  He is our little funny man.

10.  What having him here means.  How can I sum up what this little piece of heaven means to us and everyone who loves him?  Everything.  He means everything.  He is the sweetest, cuddliest, most joyful little boy and we find ourselves loving him a little more every single day.



Recent Random Ramblings...from our house:

Sam, my nearly three year old, has developed a real love for his private parts.  Over the past couple of weeks he has become rather obsessed with it actually.  I thought for sure we would be visiting the pediatrician for a "behavorial concern" until I read that this is a completely normal result of potty training.  Everything I've read says to ignore it or distract him with a new activity...which is what I've been trying to do.  The other day he was playing with "it" as I tried to get him dressed.  Jokingly, I said, "Sam.  That's your new best friend, isn't it?"  "Yes," he replied, "it is my best friend."  I continued, "Oh really, what's his name?" Without one second of hesitation my boy looked at me and said, "Bobby Ray."  Great name, huh?  I should also mention that Bobby Ray is Sam's great-great uncle and our next door neighbor.  Obviously, Sam thinks a lot of him.

Yesterday Sam was drinking juice on the gator as we rode around.  He started filling his mouth up and spitting it out.  I told him to stop, he was making a mess and was being wasteful.  He continued.  I threatened to take the drink from him and punish him for not listening.  He responded, "It's okay, Mommy.  Sometimes my mouth just has to pee-pee."

Jack is trying so hard to say many, new words.  The latest...Diego.  Yes, he can clearly say Diego but looks at me with a lost stare when I try to get him to say "Sam."

This morning as I was folding laundry the boys wandered in to Sam's room.  Usually this means they are going to destroy the bed and pull all the books off the shelf.  To my surprise I looked into find this sweet sight...my oldest sweetly reading all about animals to my youngest.
Today we headed to Lowes to pick up a few things.  Sam was being terribly clingy and whiny.  He insisted that I carry him, which I did.  I put him down several times to load things into my cart and each time he got upset, reached his arms out and begged to be held.  Finally, I said, "Sam, what is wrong, honey?  Do you feel bad?  Are you tired?  Mommy can't hold you and push the cart."  He answered each question with a "No" and then looked me right in my eyes and said, "Mommy, sometimes I just need you to hold me, okay?"  And hold him I did.  Forty pounds of pure sugar.

This afternoon Jack napped on the couch.  Sam waited patiently for him to wake up so we could go outside.  But soon he could wait no longer and I caught him sweetly rubbing Jack's facing, kissing his cheek and whispering in his ear, desperately hoping he could wake him.

When his little brother finally woke up, Sam smiled the biggest smile, hopped up on the couch beside him and said, "Hey there, buddy. You're awake! You're awake!"   Watching their friendship grow is one of my greatest joys.

Until tomorrow, when then randomness begins again...


Papa's Shoes

Jack has developed a real love for his Papa.  He calls him constantly, walking through the house saying, "Papa. Papa."  Then he looks at me with a puzzled look and raises both hands up near his face and shrugs.  This is his "Where is he?" sign.  And I tell him over and over that Papa is next door.  When I ask, "Do you want to go see Papa?", his eyes light up and he nods his head with great emphasis.  

So many days we wander over to check in on Papa so both Jack and Sam can see him. Papa tires out a little easier these days and isn't able to play with Jack quite like he did with Sam.   Oh, the miles Sam and his Papa use to roam.  They truly were the best of friends.  And while this makes me a little sad for Jack, I am very thankful for the moments my youngest gets with his Papa.  

The other day we headed over to Papa's place.  The ladies were cooking cakes and Papa was watching.  Sam and Jack insisted on heading outside.  As soon as they went out the door, their Papa hopped up and followed them out.  I looked out the door to see my two little ones playing near the swings and their beloved Papa standing there, saying nothing, just watching.  He stood there for the longest time carefully watching over his two boys as they played.
Soon little Jack got stuck on his tractor and of course, Papa came to the rescue.
After watching my boys play, Papa got a little tired and went to rest in his swing.  When Jack realized he was gone, he walked around looking for him.  When he saw him on the porch, up the steps he went to join him.
And then I observed one of the sweetest exchanges between those two.  Jack walked right next to that swing and plopped down.  He stared and stared at Papa's shiny, black shoes.  I could see the lightbulb go off in his head, "Hey, these are velcro shoes...just like mine."  And so just as he does with his own shoes, he undid the straps to Papa's shoes and sat back smiling, admiring his work.  Then he carefully fastened them back as Papa smiled down at him and told him "Thank you."  And he unfastened them and refastened them, over and over, each time receiving a sweet "Thank you."  And I don't know who was having more fun, the big guy or the little one because one was smiling as big as the other.  All over a pair of shiny, black shoes.  Does love get any simpler than that?


The Good Stuff

Before these two were here, my idea of a perfect weekend involved sleeping until my eyes popped open, cleaning my house, reading a great book, shopping, watching movies and spending endless time doing whatever I pleased.  And I thought that was the good life...

No, this is the good life.  Being awakened at midnight to a little one whose teeth are really hurting and finding a vacant bed to cuddle the rest of the night with him, cleaning a house that never seems to stay clean for long these days, watching Noggin until I find myself singing "Days are the sunniest..." along with Moose, turning on a bubble machine that leaves my little ones mesmerized, watching my husband become a jungle gym for his two overactive sons, spending endless hours outside until I, too, have dirt under my fingernails, pushing bicycles and pulling wagons and hearing "one more time, mommy" dozens of times.

Yes, these are the good times you can't even imagine until you're living it.  Seeing life through the eyes of my boys.  I never knew how much I was missing...until these two were here.