
Just Jack

Claims to be a Wolfpack fan.  Calls the tar heels "tar heroes."

Runs to the shoe section every time we go to Target to find the spot with the shoes sizes on the floor to measure your kid's feet.  Tells me every single time, "Hang on, Mama!  I need to go weigh my feet!"

While waiting in the carpool line for Sam, he asked me to roll down his window.  I obliged,  He then looked over at the dark minivan beside us and yelled at the top of his lungs, " Hey you!  With the do do car!  Your car is dark like do do!  You have a do do car!"  The lady's windows were down.  Lovely.

While watching basketball with Jody, he asked who was playing.  "Ohio," he was told.  He proceeded to call them "Oh-hi-ho-hi-ho."  The Seven Dwarfs' work anthem trumps basketball any day.

One morning as I squeezed him and kissed him, I said, "Oh, Jack!  I just love you to pieces."  He looked up at me with those big, chocolate eyes and and said, "Well, Mama, I love you all the way back together again."  


Will's Second Birthday


Cannon's Birthday Party

We celebrated Cannon's birthday today with a football party on the high school soccer field.  I learned two things today...
1.  Cannon is totally responsible for my boys' new found love of sports.
2.  Having a party away from your house really is a genius move.  No running around like a nut case making sure your house stays clean and  only stopping twenty minutes before guests arrive for a shower.  I'm thinking I may need to follow Ally's lead and make the high school my home for all birthday parties.

The red team.
Corey was the quarterback for both teams.  I tried to quarterback the blue team but was quickly reprimanded for not passing enough.  
I swear I  just missed Cannon clicking his heels by .5 seconds.
My new sports fanatics ( I'm really missing my cowboys/rednecks).
The huddle.  I can promise you Jack isn't listening to a word Corey is saying.  But he looks like he is and that counts for something.
Sam chasing Parker.
Is it just me, or is the blue team slightly more "into the game" than the red team?
Not listening.
Still not listening.  Which he confirmed by running thirty yards in the wrong direction on the next play.
Cannon, Sam and Kolt on defense.
These two are best friends.  Cannon teaches Sam about sports.  Sam teaches Cannon about pocket knives.
Sweet Cole after a run.  Tag football became tackle football a lot.
Prettiest cheerleader I know.
Cannon tried to do a little fake, pretending to have the ball while one of his teammates made a run.
Even with both hands in the air and no football in sight, the opposition fell for it.  Oh Jack,  I love you.
"Dude, you totally faked me out!"
The best part...the opening of the gifts.
Happy Birthday, sweet Cannon!  We sure do love you over here at the Standley house.


My Little Farmer


Bed Time

Just the two of them and the light of the iPad...