
Phone Thief

The local phone thief has struck again.  Thankfully, this time he only took (slightly) under 100 new photos and videos.  Sam has left the photo taking to his younger brother and he now only hijacks my phone to play music and check the weather.  Needless to say, my battery is almost always on it's last leg.  

Jack's latest photos...

"Sam, hey, look right here.  Just look!  No touching, dude.  Your finger is all up in my shot now."
"Hmmm...so this is what I'd look like if I Angelina Jolie was my mama."
"So that's what my nostrils look like up close!  I totally thought they were bigger than that."
"Don't tell anybody, but Will isn't the only one around here that thinks Yo Gabba Gabba! is one of the best shows on television.  Next to Wow Wow Wubbzy!, of course."
"I don't care that you need to check the weather, Sam!  I had it first!"
"See, Mama.  I told you it's not always me that throws the cushions on the floor.  Proof, lady.  Proof."
"Okay, let me take a random picture of these folks.  And let's make it blurry and vague so that Mama will rack her brain to try to figure out where on earth this is and who these people are.  Yeah, that would be funny.  Good luck figuring this one out, Mama."
"Man, my wrist is tired from designing all my future tattoos.  I am so talented.  Just look at this portfolio."
"And a close up of what I plan to cover my left arm and stomach with tomorrow."
"Just a warning, Mama.  Will is this close to being able to open the refrigerator.  And boy are you in trouble when that happens.  You may want to consider finding a way to lock the doors.  I suggest bungee straps.  You never go wrong with bungee straps."
"What the heck?  Is that my artwork stuffed in a drawer?  What do you have to do to make the refrigerator cut around this place?"
"Look!  There's more in here!  And that green scribble piece was some of my best work.  Thanks for the self esteem boost, Mama."
"I'm so depressed.  That was some of my best stuff, Mama.  I don't know when I'll feel like picking up a marker again."
"Now Sam, you clean that counter and Will, you clean the floor.  And I'll stand back and watch and take pictures to show Mama what hard workers we are."
"Why do you buckle Will up and not me?  You know the straps on my seat get twisted when I do it.  And then when I finish it's way too tight around my neck and I panic and start making loud choking sounds.  And then you have to unbuckle and fix it.  Let's just avoid all that. You buckle me up like you do Will.  Okay, Mama?   Thanks."
"Uh, oh.  I've run the battery down again on Mama's phone.  She's not gonna like that.  What should I do?  I don't know how to use the charger.  Here she comes!   Think, Jack, think!  Oh, I know!  I'll take one last picture that showcases my sweetness and she'll see it and won't be able to be mad at me.  Man, I'm so smart it's ridiculous."

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