Jack has been a terror the last couple of days. A little pistol. My sweet, happy, easy going buddy has left the building. The new Jack fusses, screams, hits, throws tantrums and refuses to sleep. He has no patience and his frustration level is off the charts. Last night was so bad, I thought I would pull my hair out. I tried until 2 am to get him to stay asleep longer than 20 minutes. Finally after trying everything, he and Jody ended up snuggled up together on the couch and I got 5 hours of sleep. After an unbearable morning, we were back at Dr. Mann's office. Jack was in last week for a double ear infection and I was convinced the antibiotic was not working. "There is something wrong with him Dr. Mann," I pleaded. He checked his ears. Crystal Clear. Great. "Are you sure this isn't behavioral, Angela?" he asked. Uh-oh. What if my sweetie has done a 180 and become a little terror...what will I do? Will I lose my sanity? I told him I knew in my gut he just doesn't feel good and after inspecting his snotty nose and bad cough, we had a diagnosis. Sinus infection. Lovely. Dr. Mann asked if Jody or I have sinus problems. Jody does and apparently these problems can be genetic. Nice. So a new antibiotic for Jack and a renewed sense of hope for Mom...maybe my sweet boy will be returning from his unapproved vacation soon. We miss our old Jack around here. Tonight was no easier than this morning. He stinkied in the tub, threw a fit when I made him get out, spit out his medicine and refused to let me put his pj's on. As I hovered over him, fighting with him to get him dressed, I looked him in the eyes and said, "Where is my sweet boy? Where has he gone?" Sam, who was curled up with Jody in the recliner, didn't miss a beat and called out, "I'm right here Mommy. I'm right here." Thanks for lightening the mood, Sam. Mommy needed it.
Missing this little boy...snotty nose and all.
Love them boys......You know I don't think they do anything wrong, it is the rest of the world
You know I am in the same boat...although I am sad for you, I am glad someone else is experiencing the same thing I am, and it let's me know that my child is not werid!!! Thanks for not making me feel like I am the only one in the boat! I do hope he starts feeling better though! If you need to vent... call me!
PS. We were in the doctor's office for one or the other 5 days in the past 10! And one ER visit! The nurses asked me if I needed to pitch a tent! SAD!
Ella has been doing the same thing lately but no sinus issues. I swear I think it's her teeth. She is getting her molars in. They are so little and can't verbalize what is wrong with them so they get so frustrated. I was so glad when Cole could say, "I need medicine in this ear right here mama."
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