
Mind in the Gutter

The other day all the Lee kids were over at our house to play.
I found Sam's Leap Pad on the kitchen table and picked it up to put it away.
And I saw this...
And I think it's pretty obvious as to what the drawing looks like.
I was certain one of my oldest two had used the leap pad to draw a dirty picture for their boy cousins.
"Who did this?" I asked, as I picked the pad up off the table.
"What?" Allyson said.
"This!" I said as I pointed to the screen.
"Who's been drawing ding-dongs on the leap pad?  Sam or Jack?"
"Um, Landry's the only one I've seen playing with it," she answered.
Not good, I thought.  Sweet, little Landry, using the leap pad to draw what was obviously a ding dong.  
"Landry, did you draw this?" Ally asked.
"Um, yes," she replied in the sweetest little whisper of a voice.
Uh, oh, I thought.  She did it.  The poor girl.  All these boys have corrupted her sweet, innocent brain.
"Why?" Ally continued to question her.
And in that sweet whisper she answered, "I was trying to make a Y."
A "Y."
Of course.
LaLa needs to get her mind out of the gutter.

1 comment:

Allyson Lee said...

Your mind is always in the gutter...always has been, always will be!