
Little Hunters

Jody received a call Friday night that someone had spotted a coyote in a pasture he rents.  He grabbed his rifle and headed to check on his cows.  Sure enough, the coyote was standing there, in broad daylight, in the cow pasture. Jody fired and missed, realizing too late that his scope was loose.  He came home, adjusted his scope and sighted in his rifle, just in case he received another call.  Saturday afternoon, he received that call, that the coyote was back in the pasture.  So he, Poppa and the two big boys headed back over to the pasture to "hunt" the coyote.  It wasn't long before they were back home, with one very scary looking coyote in the back of the truck.  My boys were over the moon and in such awe of their Daddy.  It was a special moment for all of them and I tried to enjoy it, even though I was cringing inside over the nastiness of it all.  My little hunters, in all their glory...


Anonymous said...

I see future deer hunters. Remember your sister's wedding and no one could find Jody. Jody was wearing a tux covered by hunting clothes sitting in a tree deer hunting. He changed in your Mom's driveway in barely enough time to get to the church. I really tried hard to raise him properly...but some things are just genetic!!

Seven C's said...

Well, that is part of ranch life.
If it were only that easy to get the Cougar that is hanging around here. Too much brush here for a long shot. I have to hope to see him when I have the 12ga handy. They are quick, quiet and it bothers me to know one is around with the kids playing outside. But the kids are never allowed to play outside alone. There must be at least two together at all times.