
Wouldn't You?

Will has been eating cereal for over a month now. And he loves it. Every night I fix him a bowl and he devours every bite. I have stuck to only one cereal feeding a day, although I know he would love it other times of the day too. The other day at G-Ma's we mashed up a banana to see if he would like it and, of course, he loved it. So I bought some baby food to start mixing in with his cereal at night. He has had bananas and sweet potatoes so far and he has loved every single bite. This sweet little boy, who loves to eat and grins and coos as I feed him...I just love him to pieces. So maybe he's trying baby food and cereal a little earlier than my other boys did. And maybe it's not what the books say I'm suppose to be doing at this age. But it is working for us. He's happy and that makes me happy. And if a few sweet potatoes could get you a reaction like this, wouldn't you give them to him too?


Jodi Lowe said...

he is adorable!!! Who does he look like????

Anonymous said...

He is so cute and the only thing he loves better than sweet potatoes is his Mama.
Love you Will,