
Deep Thinker

"Mommy, how did Randy get up to heaven?  Did he fly up there?"

"Well, honey.  I guess you could say he flew up there like an angel."

"But why?"

"Because, honey.  Randy was very, very sick and God decided it was time for him to come live with him in heaven."

"Well, why doesn't he come get me when I'm sick?  Why don't I get to fly up to heaven with God?

"Because, Sam, it's not time for you to go to heaven yet.  You're just a little boy and I would be so sad if you left me, even to go to heaven."

"But Mommy, I'm ready.  I'm really, really ready."

"Ready for what?"

"To fly up to heaven and live with God.  I'm ready now."


Anonymous said...

We should all be so ready.

Love you

Gerhard said...

I can only imagine how God must look down at him and God's heart pumping loads and loads of love for Sam when he says such beautiful things. Yes, we should all be as ready and have the same longing to be in God's presence.