
Getting Ready

Someone in our house is very excited that pool season is here.  And to make sure he is in top swimming shape, he has been doing a little practicing in the tub.  And since you can't really practice without the right gear, he proudly wears an over sized pair of blue goggles. A little bit of practicing and a whole lot of laughing makes for a great workout and a very entertaining bath.  


Anonymous said...

He looks like the old old version of the movie, "The Fly". I am excited for them. I hope they will learn to swim this year, especially Sam, though I have heard that kids younger than Jack can swim. It is just good to learn as early as possible.

Jody said...

He looks to me like Micheal Phelps after the bong.

Jenn McPherson said...

Those are some cute pics! He is adorable!!