
"We're Going on a Bear Hunt"

Today was a wonderful day.  The weather was beautiful, windy, but beautiful.  A perfect day to go on a bear hunt and have a big bear birthday party for my three year old sweetie.   Sam enjoyed the company of his three best buds, Cade, Cannon and Jack and two pretty little girls, Landry and Madi, at his birthday party.  All eight of his great grandparents were here along with his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. We enjoyed cake, ice cream and of course "teddy" grahams and gummy "bears."  After cake, G-Ma read "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" and got everyone ready to go out hunting bears.  The kids dug into their goodie bags and found all the necessary items for the big hunt: binoculars, a gun, a knife and a hat.  They put on their boots and we were off and just like in the book we went through the tall grass, over a river, through mud, near a cave and our brave little hunters spotted two big bears on their hike.  They were so excited as they pulled  their guns and knives out to protect themselves.  A scary wolf came out of the barn at the end of our hunt (thanks to Brad and Jody who thought this was hilarious), and after screaming and running most of the hunters remembered to use their gun scare the wolf away.  We headed back home to open gifts and Sam got lots of help from Cannon and Madi as they all tore through the gifts in seconds.  Then it was play time with everyone running around, riding the roller coasters and flying kites.  We had a wonderful day and are so thankful Sam could celebrate his special day with his wonderful family and friends.  He is a very blessed and loved little boy.  After everyone left, I asked Sam what his favorite part of his party was.  I expected to hear "hunting bears" or "flying kites." His response..."Ummm, eating chips."  An organized bear hunt complete with bear decoys and weapons, mounds of presents, friends everywhere and my boy appreciates the chips.  That's my Sam...



MiMi & Robin said...

We had so much fun at Sam's Big Bear Pary! The Bear Hunt was great! Happy Birthday Sam I AM!
We love you, MeMe & Robin

Anonymous said...

I must say, even as an adult. I had a good time at this party. I laughed so much. It was the best day. I tell everyone, We went on a bear hunt. They are amazed that Angela and Jody were able to pull off such a wonderful party. What can you say...How many three years olds have this for a party theme. I enjoyed ever minute of it and yes Sam I enjoyed the chips TOO.
I love you guys...