
Baby Love

Lila Grace is Jody's cousin Andy's baby and she lives just a few miles away (just like everyone in his family does) so we get to see her quite often.  Both of my boys love her.  Jack really, really loves her.  He runs to her saying "Baby, Baby" with his arms stuck out waiting for you to place her in his arms.  He wants to hold her the entire time she is here and whines if you take her away from him.  Both boys fight over who gets to hold her the longest and I am constantly rotating her so that one has her head and the other holds her legs for equal amounts of time.  Little Lila came for a visit a couple of days ago.  Sam happened to be napping so Jack was thrilled to have her all to himself.  When he saw her he ran and jumped in the recliner and patted his lap until I brought her over to him.  He held her so sweetly and gently and was grinning from ear to ear.  He kissed her head and patted her little legs as he "rocked" her.  And boy did he get MAD when I took her from him.  He is a baby lover.  I have never quite seen a little boy enjoy a baby so much.  His big brother sure didn't feel that way about him when he was a baby!  But I am grateful this little sweetie has a soft spot for babies because I sure hope I'm not done having babies (breathe, Jody, breathe).  

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