
Ten Things I Love About Jack

1.  The way he runs.  His chest is always far ahead of his feet and he looks like he may tumble forward at any minute.  He shuffles his feet so fast with short, quick steps that he looks like he is half skipping, half running.

2.  His midnight antics.  If he wakes up in the middle of the night or too early in the morning I take him a cup of milk.  He is always sitting up waiting for me and he reaches for the cup, tucks it safely under one arm and reaches up for me with the other...and into our bed he goes.
3.  His jumping skills.  When you ask Jack to jump, he puts his game face on and lifts one leg off the ground and stomps it back on the floor.  He always lets out a big "AHHH" and a huge grin.  He thinks he is jumping so high.

4.  His love for his Daddy.  While I would like to believe that I am his number one, I believe he would happily take his Daddy over me any day of the week.  He runs to greet him when he comes home for work and when Sam is demanding only Mommy, he sweetly and happily runs to his Daddy's arms.

5.  Those eyes.  My little doe-eyed boy with the dreamiest gaze.  He stares so intently, so sweetly as he observes the world around him.  I could stare at those yummy chocolate eyes forever.

6.  His effort.  He tries so hard at everything you ask him to do.  He will do his best to say the words you ask and is quite vocal.  He loves "helping" retrieve things for Mommy and enjoys nothing more than pushing the vacuum around to "clean" for me.   
7.  The way he looks at his big brother.  He thinks Sam is a rock star and mimics him, laughs at everything he does and gives him sweet kisses on his head to wake him up in the morning. Jack simply adores Sam.  Yes, he plays the little brother role very well.

8.  His habits.  Since he was a tiny baby, he has always, always loved to rub his fingers through my hair.  When he is upset, tired or just plain bored he will wrap his arms around my neck and entwine his fingers in my  hair.  If I put him in our bed, he always puts one arm under my head, the other around my neck and has both hands in my hair...and this is how we sleep.
9.  His humor.  He is funny.  Really funny.  He works hard to make us laugh and he is rather good at it.  And when we laugh, he laughs.  The sweetest, purest, happiest laugh you've ever heard.  He is our little funny man.

10.  What having him here means.  How can I sum up what this little piece of heaven means to us and everyone who loves him?  Everything.  He means everything.  He is the sweetest, cuddliest, most joyful little boy and we find ourselves loving him a little more every single day.


Jenn McPherson said...

Great pictures!! I love these! Love the hat too!!

Anonymous said...

Jack, such a delight. He is everything you wrote. I start smiling when I see him no matter how far away he is........
Love you

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this blog. I always got a special place for Jack cuz I was the youngest boy growing up wtih Jody and Chad like he is with Sam, Cade, and Cannon. Jack is all the stuff you said he is.

Joe Joe