

The countdown begins...two more days and my baby turns three.  I am struggling to wrap my brain around it.  Three just seems so old to me.  You blink and he's 6 months old...and then walking...and before you know it, he's three.  I visited my cousin, Taylor, tonight.  She gave birth to a beautiful, oh, so sweet little boy this afternoon...Caleb.  As I held him in all his perfection and innocence, I thought back to my Samuel who was nearly that exact perfect, little size.  And my heart ached that time seems to speeding at a pace that I am none too happy with.   Allyson is so right as she often reminds me, "The days are long, but the years are short." 

We have a weekend full of fun ahead of us.  Saturday will be all Sam, all day.  Just us celebrating his big day...all day.  And Sunday we'll be going on a bear hunt at his "Big Bear Birthday Party."  So much to do.  So much to look forward to.  Note to self: add Kleenex to the grocery list.  I have a strong feeling this Mama is going to need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam, the big 3. Hard to believe. He is so excited about being 3. I love you Sam. I can't wait until the BEAR party begins.
Love you