
Before tomorrow...

On the eve of your third birthday, there are a few things I want you to know...

You at age three.  How can I describe the wonderful, beautiful, perfect little boy that is Samuel John Standley?  You are smart with so much knowledge on so many things.  You ask lots of questions as you excitedly learn about the world around you. You are shy and reserved but can also be the loudest kid in the room if you are comfortable in your surroundings.  You are observant and wise as you sit back and take in everything you see. You are careful and cautious before trying something new. You are genuine and honest and you exude pure innocence. You are strong and hardworking and love helping others. You are kind and compassionate and your heart can often be found resting sweetly on your sleeve.  You are passionate...when you like something you really, really like it and when you dislike something everyone knows it.  You are a constant source of amazement and joy for me and your Daddy and we often find ourselves discussing how blessed we are to be your parents.

You are simple yet complex and just when I think I've got you figured out, you quickly remind me that I don't.  You are stubborn and persistent and while these traits may be tough to handle at times, I am often reminded that you are a lot like your parents.  You find great joy in pleasing your parents and I believe you will be the child who would rather receive a spanking than be told you disappointed us.  Whenever you get in trouble, you worry endlessly over whether I am mad at you or not, asking me over and over again, "Are you happy, Mommy?"  Your amazing heart is what makes you, you.

You are a mother's dream and I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to know you as my son. You have taught me about the good things in life and I relish every moment spent with you.  I never knew such joy could come from snuggling beside a sleepy toddler as I stroke your hair and breathe in every detail of your face.  Watching you grow, as you become more beautiful every single day, has been the most rewarding gift God has ever bestowed on me.  I take great pride in raising you to be all that God intends you to be.  I will support you, push you, love you, teach you, comfort you, listen to you and be your biggest cheerleader as you chase your dreams.  I once heard someone say that the best gift a parent can give their child is for their face to light up when their child walks into the room.   I believe this to be true.  So while I may not always do things right and at times I will certainly fail you, I can promise you with all certainty that my face will always light up when you walk into the room.  

Tomorrow will be your day, full of celebration and laughter.  And while I will enjoy every minute of your joy, I will be a little sad as I sit back and watch you blow out another candle on your cake.  It seems like just weeks ago that you were placed in my arms for the first time and now you are three and one step further away from that tiny baby I first fell in love with not so long ago.  But as I've told you hundreds of times, you'll always be my baby.  As long as I'm here, no matter how old you are or how tall you grow, you are my baby.  And I love you beyond meaning and there will never be enough time for me to tell you just how much.  Thank you for being you.  My beautiful, amazing, three year old son. I love you...to the moon and back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet. You are such a wonderful Mom.