

Recent Random Ramblings...from our house:

Sam, my nearly three year old, has developed a real love for his private parts.  Over the past couple of weeks he has become rather obsessed with it actually.  I thought for sure we would be visiting the pediatrician for a "behavorial concern" until I read that this is a completely normal result of potty training.  Everything I've read says to ignore it or distract him with a new activity...which is what I've been trying to do.  The other day he was playing with "it" as I tried to get him dressed.  Jokingly, I said, "Sam.  That's your new best friend, isn't it?"  "Yes," he replied, "it is my best friend."  I continued, "Oh really, what's his name?" Without one second of hesitation my boy looked at me and said, "Bobby Ray."  Great name, huh?  I should also mention that Bobby Ray is Sam's great-great uncle and our next door neighbor.  Obviously, Sam thinks a lot of him.

Yesterday Sam was drinking juice on the gator as we rode around.  He started filling his mouth up and spitting it out.  I told him to stop, he was making a mess and was being wasteful.  He continued.  I threatened to take the drink from him and punish him for not listening.  He responded, "It's okay, Mommy.  Sometimes my mouth just has to pee-pee."

Jack is trying so hard to say many, new words.  The latest...Diego.  Yes, he can clearly say Diego but looks at me with a lost stare when I try to get him to say "Sam."

This morning as I was folding laundry the boys wandered in to Sam's room.  Usually this means they are going to destroy the bed and pull all the books off the shelf.  To my surprise I looked into find this sweet sight...my oldest sweetly reading all about animals to my youngest.
Today we headed to Lowes to pick up a few things.  Sam was being terribly clingy and whiny.  He insisted that I carry him, which I did.  I put him down several times to load things into my cart and each time he got upset, reached his arms out and begged to be held.  Finally, I said, "Sam, what is wrong, honey?  Do you feel bad?  Are you tired?  Mommy can't hold you and push the cart."  He answered each question with a "No" and then looked me right in my eyes and said, "Mommy, sometimes I just need you to hold me, okay?"  And hold him I did.  Forty pounds of pure sugar.

This afternoon Jack napped on the couch.  Sam waited patiently for him to wake up so we could go outside.  But soon he could wait no longer and I caught him sweetly rubbing Jack's facing, kissing his cheek and whispering in his ear, desperately hoping he could wake him.

When his little brother finally woke up, Sam smiled the biggest smile, hopped up on the couch beside him and said, "Hey there, buddy. You're awake! You're awake!"   Watching their friendship grow is one of my greatest joys.

Until tomorrow, when then randomness begins again...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still fascinated with my private parts too. enjoy it while u can...soon he will be fascinated in Madi's private parts haha.

-Joe Joe