
13 Months

My baby is 13 months old and overflowing with personality.  I could climb into the recliner, cover up with a blanket and watch him all day...he is that funny and entertaining. How did I get so lucky?

13 Months
pointing...running...refuses to give up his bottle...nicknamed "Swiper" because he loves taking things and running...says Mama, Dada, Nana, this, kitty kitty, hey there, bye...breaks it down when you say "Dance Jack", all he needs is tap shoes and vest and he could perform a mean "river dance"...laughing...loves eggs, corn, spaghetti, Chick-fil-a nuggets, popsicles and potatoes...funny, funny, funny...wakes up prettier than the night before...loves to take his shoes and socks off...pees on the floor every time he gets out of the tub-every time...has started hitting back-watch out Sam...does the cutest thing where he points his toes in, knees together and squats all while laughing at himself...loving...eyes getting darker and darker...will climb out of the tub when you turn away...cuddly...cries when he can't stay outside...tries to tickle people...will "sing" sometimes, especially at night when I sing to him...loves dumping his milk all over his pants...likes being sticky, sweaty and dirty...becoming Daddy's little buddy...loves his Sam...pure joy.


Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest faces,looks so innocent. Yes he is a swiper. He is so funny.
Lots of love,

Jodi Lowe said...

I love those pictures!!! Oh my gosh! HE IS SO DAG ON CUTE!