
Older Women...

Sam loves them.  And I'm not talking 8 or 9 year olds.  Sam's favorite women are in the 70-85 age range.  Yes, Sam has a thing for a few older ladies he frequently sees at Papa's Place.  They are his great-great aunts and are the sisters of Sam's beloved Mema.  They adore Sam and they light up each and every time he walks thru the door.  They are some of Sam's best friends and he loves the time he gets to spend with them.

Although Lou is unable to walk alone and spends her time in the big recliner in Papa's Place, Sam will still crawl up in her lap and give her some love.  He likes stealing snacks off her tv tray and loves it when she wears her "gold toe" socks.  When the other ladies help Lou to the bathroom, Sam is right there, one hand on her walker, helping her every step.  He also makes sure she gets back to her chair safely and is comfortable.  Sam's favorite thing about Lou is when she has to take her medicine.  She has to "snort" the medicine up her nose, which needless to say he thinks is hilarious.  He can do a great impression of Aunt Lou "snorting".

Colleen "Keen-Keen"-83
Sam spends as much time with Keen-Keen as he does Mema and he sure does love her.  She is our neighbor and Mema's cooking partner.  Sam loves Keen-Keen's chicken salad and homemade chocolate icing.  She takes him to the barn to visit the animals and for walks to hunt for golf balls.  Sam absolutely loves going to Keen-Keen's house.  Her house is cozy and full of interesting trinkets.  There are bowls of candy on every table, which Sam thinks is just perfect.  She is an official great-grandmother to my little boy...he is very lucky to have five living great-grandmothers to know.

Edna is the wild one in the bunch and she and Sam have the most fun together.  86 years old and probably less than 86 pounds, Edna acts like a 12 year old.  She get on all fours and chases Sam around.  She sings and dances and makes funny faces.  She lets Sam chase her around with the fly-swatter and will run at full speed and jump on top of the freezer to get away from him.  Yes, at 86 she can jump on  top of the freezer!  Sam loves riding the gator down the road to Edna's house to see if she is out on her porch.  Her great-grandchildren have recently moved away and she says Sam and Jack are her "adopted" great-grandchildren now.

My little boy is blessed beyond words to count these women as family.  They are his heritage and I count my blessings that he can grow up knowing them and loving them.

Sam & Lou
Edna, Sam & Keen-Keen


Allyson Lee said...

Sam is a lucky boy. I want to be there to see Edna jump on the freezer! You know Sam is happy out there....explains why he doesn't want to come home sometimes. Those women bring new meaning to sweet. I've never met anyone sweeter than Marie Johnson!


Anonymous said...

Aren't we all so blessed to have these fine southern ladies in our lives and our families. They have all had a part in what we are today. They formed my childhood as much as they are forming Sam and Jack's. What a wonderful life. I am so thankful that you make sure Sam and Jack know them and love them as I do.
Thank you

Jodi Lowe said...

That is so cute. Especially the snorting of the medicine and the lady that jumps on the freezer! I can see why he loves to be around them, and I know they love him! It is amazing when I bring my kids around my grandparents, you can see their eyes light up. It is like they live for them!