

Trick or Treat...
Smell my Feet...

Give me something good to eat!
Happy Halloween!


First Haircut

Jack had his first haircut which was long overdue. He has definitely been sporting a mini-mullet the last couple of months...a little like Billy Ray in his "Achy-Breaky" days. But I was in no rush to cut it. Another end to his "babiness" that I wasn't ready to let go of. He was a pro, such a big boy. He sat in the chair quietly, not a whimper or a whine. He is just the most easy-going, happy little boy. Bec did a great job on his haircut and he instantly looked so different. It's like he aged 6 months in 10 minutes. Gulp. Another first with my little one and I am loving every minute of it.

Perfect Angel

So Handsome


Mommy's Little Monster

Jack is proudly wearing his monster outfit that his G-Ma gave him.  I have been waiting to put it on him and this morning seemed like the perfect time.  I think he is undoubtedly the cutest monster that has ever been.  I swear I could bottle this little boy up and sell him.  Isn't he adorable?


World's Happiest Monster

Showing his perfect smile...

Performing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"

More Sweetness


Your Day Will Come

Dear Jack and Landry,
How tough it must be to be the littlest sometimes.  You stare out the window at the three big boys as they run and play and explore.  And you really want to be doing everything they are doing.  You want to run fast, swing, hit baseballs and climb to the top of the clubhouse.  But you still need your Mommy's help to do these things and it just isn't fair, is it?  Cade, Cannon and Sam go on exciting adventures and you are left behind, hoping that one day soon you can come along.  You want to ride through the woods and look for treasures.  You want to be the driver of the riding toy sometimes, not just the passenger.  You want to be able to drink from a juice box, hold your own pushup and chew gum.  You want to open the door walk and down the steps to the fun awaiting you outside.  Well, rest assured sweet babies, your time will come.  Sooner than your Mommy and I hope.  You will be tagging closely behind the big boys in an instant, I promise.  Just be patient and you'll see. Many great adventures are awaiting you.
                                                           All my love,
                                                             Mommy & Lala  


Little Lions

Last year Sam absolutely refused to wear his Halloween costume.  He was supposed to be a lion, but when his costume came he wouldn't come near it.  I even went and bought another cheapie lion costume at Target hoping he would wear it.  Nope.  I begged.  I pleaded.  I threatened.  And then I gave up.  Looking back, I'm glad I let it go.  I will never forget taking our Halloween pictures and Sam stubbornly sitting there with his "I refuse to wear my costume!" sign that I made him carry.  Priceless.  Fast forward one year and the boy is all about being an elephant this year.  He loves wearing his costume and runs around doing his best elephant impersonation.  The other day I showed him his lion costume from last year and he just had to put it on.  And the cheapie went on Jack...minus the tights that should have been underneath.  I realized after putting it on Jack that there is no way Sam could have gotten into it.  I couldn't have gotten him out of it which I am sure would have been a beautiful moment.  So they both got dressed in their lion suits and off we went so Sam could scare Mema (too bad she wasn't home).  Sam roared ferociously and Jack walked around with the costume that was way too small proudly showing off those fat, fat legs.  What a difference a year makes!



"There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother." 

In the beginning, you two didn't care much for one another.  And I worried.  A lot.  And my heart broke.  A lot. Sam was a baby himself, only 18 months old, and here was this new creature who demanded all of Mommy's time.  So Sam made it clear that he didn't like his new brother...he hit, pinched, turned the swing over with him in it, etc.  And I continued to worry.  Will I ever be able to walk out of the room and leave these two alone?   Why can't they love each other as much as I love the two of them?  And time passed and something changed.  A friendship began and a love developed.  Laughter replaced tears, and smiles and giggles became the language of these two boys.  They began to look forward to reuniting in the morning, a new day full of adventures to share together.  A big brother...caring and loving, protective and proud.  A little brother...happy and adoring, observant and trusting.  There are still fights, tears and whining but most days are filled with playing, wrestling and laughing.  Moments that a mother hopes for...when you sit back and watch your children genuinely enjoying one another.  It is an affirmation that they will always be okay if for no other reason than they always have each other.  My heart overflows.


For Landry

One year ago a beautiful bundle of promise was born.  A sweet little girl, wrapped tightly in a pink blanket, who instantly stole everyone's heart.  A princess.  An angel.  A blessing.  Our Little Lulu. Here's just a little something for you Landry to let you know how much I love you. 

(Remember to pause the playlist.)


State Fair

We all ventured out to the fair yesterday and the boys had a great time.  Sam went with his Poppa and Daddy to a cow show at 3:00 and Jack and I met them afterwards.  Sam loved showing Jack all the animals in "Old MacDonald's Barn" and gave us all a lesson on the tractor exhibit.  Sam insisted on riding a pony, only to chicken out at the last minute (which we knew he would do). He pointed to the carousel and said he wanted to ride "those ponies".  So off we went.  He and I waited in line, we climbed aboard and I put him on the pony only to have to pry him off my neck.   He was screaming to get off.  So we did.  Maybe next year...maybe not.  They really enjoyed eating...especially the roasted corn (just like Mama) and finished the night by sharing an elephant ear.  A perfect afternoon... 

Loving roasted corn...
Sam strains to see the lambs.
Elephant Ears...
So good...


Vollmer Farms-Take Two

We made it to back to Vollmer Farms today and they were actually open...a big improvement from last week!  It was a perfect day-no crowd, cool weather and everyone had a great time. The staff there is so nice and I must say it is the best pumpkin patch we've been to.  We packed lots of activities into our short stay and had lots of fun on the hayride, zipline, underground slide, play area, huge jumper and corn hut.  Here are some pics of our fun day:


Handsome Little Devils

Sam and Jack got all dressed up for church today in their new shirts and...BOW TIES! Nerdy maybe (yes, Corey I heard you say "nertified" several times), but boy did they look handsome.  I could have eaten them both up...they were beyond precious...just plain adorable.

Handsome Devil # 1

Handsome Devil # 2

"Cheese," Sam!

"Hey, man...I really like that bow tie on you."

Exploring all the new toys...

Jack stayed attached to Nana the first hour.

He was so happy when Landry arrived.

Jack loved checking himself out in the mirror.

Ready to escape...