

"There's no other love like the love for a brother. There's no other love like the love from a brother." 

In the beginning, you two didn't care much for one another.  And I worried.  A lot.  And my heart broke.  A lot. Sam was a baby himself, only 18 months old, and here was this new creature who demanded all of Mommy's time.  So Sam made it clear that he didn't like his new brother...he hit, pinched, turned the swing over with him in it, etc.  And I continued to worry.  Will I ever be able to walk out of the room and leave these two alone?   Why can't they love each other as much as I love the two of them?  And time passed and something changed.  A friendship began and a love developed.  Laughter replaced tears, and smiles and giggles became the language of these two boys.  They began to look forward to reuniting in the morning, a new day full of adventures to share together.  A big brother...caring and loving, protective and proud.  A little brother...happy and adoring, observant and trusting.  There are still fights, tears and whining but most days are filled with playing, wrestling and laughing.  Moments that a mother hopes for...when you sit back and watch your children genuinely enjoying one another.  It is an affirmation that they will always be okay if for no other reason than they always have each other.  My heart overflows.

1 comment:

Lisa Hardee said...

That is so sweet. They are so lucky to have each other, just like Michelle and I are! I couldn't imagine my life without her. They are both so handsome!