
Is There Anything Sweeter Than...

my Jack (or my Sam, too)?   Yes, I am convinced that he is the sweetest baby in the universe.  I think I could bottle his sweetness and sell it.  He loves his mama more than anything and he shows me all day that he thinks I'm the greatest.  He would stay on my hip 24 hours a day if I'd let him. When he's not on my hip, he's attached to the bottom of my leg, looking up at me with those big brown eyes waiting for me to pick him up.  But the sweetest thing, the image I want burned in my memory forever,  is the look on his face when I walk in the room.  It is priceless. It sure can boost a girl's self esteem.  Today Ally caught a glimpse of this on camera...not as big a smile as usual (he's not used to waking up with Ally and Landry in his room), but you get the idea.  I am one lucky girl.

Just waking up..I wonder where my mommy is...

Yes! There she is!

Look at that smile...showing all his teeth.

Hey, Mama...here I am!

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