
It Looked Like a Band-Aid to Him

Sam got a lot of  laughs last night ...
Jody's cousin and Sam's buddy, Brad, was at our house last night.  He is a regular around here and Sam really loves playing with him.  Brad gets down on the floor with him, tosses him around and laughs at everything he does so Sam is his # 1 fan.  He even blames "Bad" as he call him for things. When I ask him if he did something, he'll say, "No, Bad did it."  Yes he tells this little lie even if Brad is not here or hasn't been here for days.  I think Brad has become Sam's scapegoat.

Last night Brad was here playing with Sam. They were in the middle of the den floor, all of Sam's tools were dumped out, Sam was hard at work and sporting his safety goggles as they worked on Sam's "broken" fire engine.  Brad hit his hand and told Sam that it hurt.  Sam jumps up and says,"Ok, Bad.  I get you a band-aid." 
 He walks up to me in the kitchen and says, "Mama, I get Bad a band-aid."
"Sure, Sam.  You go ahead."
He takes off, stops and looks at me to ask the same question I hear anytime he ventures down the hall, "Mama, nothing gonna get me?"
"No, honey.  Nothing's gonna get you."  Remember this boy is scared of the hall, the washing machine and popsicle boxes, so he needs a little reassurance from Mama that he is safe.
So off he goes, orange safety goggles and all to find "Bad" a band-aid.  He quickly returns and I catch a glimpse of him but he has made it into the den and plopped down beside "Bad" before I can stop him.  
And there, he presents Brad with a large box of tampons. Yes, that little booger had managed to find those at the very back of my bathroom cabinet and proudly marched into the den with his "band-aids".  
Well, I was laughing, Brad looked a little confused and poor Jody was beyond mortified.  I should probably mention that a buddy of Jody's that lives out of state and he only sees once or twice a year had just come into town and he and his wife were in the den as well.
Sam proudly reached his hand in that box, pulled out a handful and said, "Look, Bad.  Three band-aids.  I put on for you."  It was only after managing to open one (before I could jerk them away) that he realized these really don't look like the Diego band-aids Mama puts on my boo-boos.  But hey, he tried and he was being so sweet to help "Bad".  And I even made a mental note that nothing is off limits with a two year in the house.  I'll be making a clean sweep of my cabinets from now on before guests arrive.

Hey, It looked like a band-aid box to me people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved it when he came out with your tampons. LOL I think that that story will stay in my heart forever. ~Natasha