
2.5 Years

Samuel John
2.5 Years Old

Talking, talking, talking...every minute you have something to say..."Mama, I talk now" followed by a long story..."Just a Minute"...with emphasis on each syllable...everything is in just a minute..."Be back in just a minute"..."I have snack for just a minute"..."I go to Cade and DD's for just a minute"...tractors, tractors, tractors...buckets, combines, plows, trailers... you have so much knowledge about all these things...cows...moving cows, cow pastures, baby cows, mama cows, bulls...little cow expert...smart...incredible vocabulary...loves talking on the telephone...great memory...full sentences...farm boy...digging, working, helping...it's in your blood...sweet, sweet, sweet...becoming more and more loving and expressive about your feelings..."I miss you"..."Be careful, mama, 'cause I love you" (melted my heart, I'll never forget it)...Daddy's Boy..."Where's my daddy?"..."I call Daddy"..."I go with Daddy"...independent...thinker...worrier...Big Brother...loves Jack...misses Jack...wants Jack...tall...big feet...strong...handsome...looking like a boy now...no longer a baby (but always my baby)...loves family...play, play, play..."Please play with me"...singing...loves songs...loves having someone sing with you...from Johnny Cash to Old McDonald, you'll sing anything...beautiful brown eyes...somethings don't change...those eyes will melt hearts all your life...a wonderful, precious little boy that is incredibly loved and adored.

Always has been, Always will be...My Sunshine.

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