
11 Months

Where has the time gone?  Eleven months have passed and as I write this I can remember our first night together in the hospital just like it was last night...my brand new, precious little boy... I couldn't get enough of you that night and I still can't.  You'll be a year old in one short month and no longer a baby.  My last month with you as a "baby"...and as I sit here and wonder where the time went, my mind is flooded with sweet thoughts of you.  These are the things I love and adore about you and these very things make you you.  I love you more than you could ever imagine and my only wish would be that I could pause these special moments, make time pass slower, so that I could hold you in my arms a little longer.  Jack, these are my special, priceless memories of you...

When I give you your bottle before bedtime you always finish and cuddle up on my left shoulder, always the same shoulder, and nuzzle your sweet head close to my face.  Even if you fall asleep eating, you manage to flip yourself around and find your way to your favorite spot... 

When I lay you in your crib you rub your face back and forth and all around into your sheet. Maybe you are just getting comfortable, but this is something I see your Daddy do a lot too, so it must be in your blood... 

Your bottom lip always disappears when you sleep or are really tired.  It is the sweetest and most innocent look I have ever seen...

In the morning, after I get you from you room, you always point and make a long "SSSSS" sound.  I think you are telling me "See", and it never fails, you do it every morning just as we make our way to the dining room...

You are content with a lot of different people, but it doesn't  matter how happy you may be, when you see me,  I am the only person you want.  Yes, you love your Mama and I love being your # 1...

When you are sad, scared or your feelings have been hurt, you always poke out your bottom lip (the most pitiful sight ever) and try to fight back the tears.  When our eyes meet you start crying, every time.  Maybe you know that you don' have to be tough around me...cry if you need to...

You love to roll around on pillows and blankets.  You squeal in delight if there is a blanket or pillow nearby and you rush over to it, flipping and spinning and burying your face.  It makes you unbelievably happy...

If I am sitting on the floor with you, you always crawl to me and stop a foot or so away, flip around and proceed the rest of the way in reverse until you feel me behind you.  You lean back on me and fall out like you have crawled three miles...

If Sam is mean to you, you come crying to me, even if it really wasn't that bad.  People say you are tattling all ready and I think they may be right...

I could go on and on naming all the sweet things that have become your trademarks.  You are an amazing little boy and I am blessed beyond belief that you are mine.  You are and always will be my "joy baby."

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