You, my precious boy, at five months old...
There are so many things that you can almost do. Like...sit up with no help, crawl (you currently make a small lunge and plop down in frustration), hold onto your biter biscuit tight enough to actually eat it, tolerate your car seat for longer trips, and shine off your pearly whites (I see two bottom teeth peeking under your gums).
You can also do some other things pretty well already. Like...roll over and over and over, flip yourself out of your bouncy seat, gnaw on your fingers, suck your thumb, eat solid food, eat the occasional puff without gagging, use your hands to grab and hold onto objects (your hand/eye coordination is pretty impressive), stand on your legs easily while holding Mama's hands, watch your big brothers intently and flirt with perfect strangers.
And the other things. The things, that at a mere five, months you are a pro at. Like...snuggling, drooling, giving Mama sloppy "kisses" while trying to gnaw my face, laughing, laughing, laughing, smiling the happiest, widest smile, scratching your face up because your nails grow faster than I can cut them, kicking your legs wildly when you're excited, waking up the happiest person on the planet, talking to yourself while we ride in the car, lighting up when you see me, making me fall hopelessly more in love with you today than yesterday and making every day sweeter and more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined.
Will, you are my amazing, beautiful, wonderful boy and I love you so very much. I love you, I adore you, I long to always be near you. You will never know how much I love you. You will never know how simply the sight of your sweet face makes my heart skip a beat and overflow with pure, perfect love for you. You, my littlest boy, my five month old baby, I love you, I love you, I love you.