A nurse from Jack's ENT office called this afternoon to see how he was doing. "Great," I said. Which led to her preparing me for the next few days...
Nurse: "I'm glad he is doing well."
Me: "Oh, me too."
Nurse: "You should be prepared for him to have a few setbacks over the weekend. He will likely experience some ear pain and at times it may be pretty severe."
Me: "Really? Well, he was up last night at 11:30 having a major screaming fit and didn't sleep too great."
Nurse: "Yes, that's to be expected. Keep the pain medication in him at all times, even if he seems to be feeling fine."
Me: "Okay, I sure will."
Nurse: "And they told you about his breath at the hospital, right?"
Me: "Yes, I know his breath will be bad. It is already pretty bad today...it smells a lot like blood. It stinks already."
Nurse: "Well, be prepared for it to get worse."
Me: "Worse? It's bad now."
Nurse: "Oh, no, honey. His mouth will smell like a dead dog before the weekend is over."
Me: "Um, okay. Thank you."
Nurse" "Oh, no problem. Call us if you have any concerns."
Any concerns? Um, hello. Miss Nurse, do you realize that had you not warned me of the "dead dog" breath that awaits me that my weekend would have surely included another trip to the hospital. How many moms out there would not freak out in the worst possible way to have a child reeking of the smell of a dead animal? I would have made tracks back to Wake Med convinced that Jack had acquired a horrible infection that was eating away the flesh in his mouth. Day or night, that smell would have sent me into a whirl of craziness. Shoot, I probably would have called an ambulance to transport my young son with the crazy, flesh-eating infection, sirens and all. Whew. So thanks for the warning, Miss Nurse. I appreciate it.
Desperate for a tic-tac....