
Why is Laundry Detergent My Best Friend?

Because of these three rednecks.
What were these little angels doing as I was throwing trash away in our burn barrel?  Playing a fun new game my smart, creative boys invented all on their own.   That's my middle child chasing his older brother around with a stick.  Pretty innocent?  Not when the objective of the game is to dip the stick in a pile of fresh cow crap, run as hard as you can to catch your brother and fling the stinking mess all over his back.

See, honey, I told you the "sanitize" option on our over-priced washer would come in handy some day.    

Ironically, the only one who ended up with crap all over his back today was Will.  And since he trailed far behind his older brothers as they chased one another with the dirty stick, I'm fairly certain the mess that ended up all over his back was the result of his lightening speed.  His black boots give him Carl Lewis speed.  I only wish he'd speed around the piles instead of through them.  

Wishful thinking, I'm sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cute. You do know that is why God make cow patties.
Love those boys