
He Calls Me Maw Maw

Will.  My sweet, silly Will.  He talks all the time now.  And he has a few signature "sayings" that are all his.
1.  He calls me Maw Maw.  A lot.  As much as he calls me Mama, actually.  We have no idea where it came from but it sure makes us all smile.
2.  He answers "Daddy" to nearly every question we ask.
3.  He likes to say "Bye, Boo Boo" instead of a simple "Bye."  I'm pretty sure this came from me asking him to tell his Aunt Boo goodbye one day.  The phrase "Bye, Boo Boo" obviously stuck.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

He sure does have an AWESOME Maw Maw. Love this blog. It Is priceless.