
My Sick Baby

Will woke up during the night Friday throwing up and with a fever.  It was a tough night, but by morning he was feeling a little better.  We attempted Thanksgiving lunch at Mema's, but I soon knew he wasn't up to it.  His fever spiked again and by that afternoon it was over 103. I was unable to get his fever down which meant I had no choice but to take him to the emergency room.  And the hours that followed proved to be some of the scariest I've ever endured.  His fever stayed at 103.1 for hours and his heart rate was a very dangerous 200 beats per minute.  After the doctors were unable to lower his fever with medicine and iv's, Will was transported by ambulance to Wake Med.  Shortly after being admitted, he began to have terrible diarrhea.  They tested him for different kinds of bacterial infections, unable to target what exactly was making him sick.  They ruled out e coli and salmonella and finally settled on it being some kind of virus.  Those first hours with the high heart rate and fever and no answers nearly did Jody and me in.  It was after midnight before we got settled in and Will was able to rest.  I sent Jody home to be with his family who were gathered by his Papa's bedside as he lay dying.  I spent the night curled on the uncomfortable pull out couch with Will, trying to keep his iv line straight and textingJody about his Papa.  Jody and I both felt so torn, each of us feeling like we should be with one other.  Thankfully, morning came and my sweetie, although still feeling bad, was a little more like himself, cuddling with me and offering me a few smiles.
 Talking to his Daddy on the phone, swollen from all the fluids.
 A mid morning nap, trying so hard to get well.
 The staff at the hospital was so wonderful to us and worked so hard to get us home before Papa died.  I spent all day Sunday changing dirty diapers, begging Will to drink and straightening his iv line.  By mid-afternoon, I could see a light at the end of the tunnel.
 Feeling better and making Mama so happy with a little smile.
 Will drank a few ounces of drink and showed me his spunk was back when I offered him fruit.  The boy obviously doesn't like fruit cocktail.
We were released from the hospital around 5:00 and I was so thankful to be home with Will.  It was a frightening 24 hours for us, but a reminder to me of how blessed I am to have healthy children.  May I never, ever take that for granted again.

1 comment:

Seven C's said...

Scary times. I think we have all had some time like that or another.
Our oldest when she was two years old ended up with an infection on her leg that would not respond to anything. Several days in ICU and a couple days in quarantine. Last ditch effort with Vancomycin and surgically opening and cleaning the area and she slowly began to overcome the infection. To this day, she has a deep scar on her leg from it.