
A Well Check and Confirming Fears

Will had his 18 month well check today, scheduled in a timely manner after I completely forgot that he would, indeed, need an 18 month well check.  He has hit quite a growth spurt and has now surpassed Jack's 18 month stats but is still not as big as Sam was at this age.  I was thrilled that he wasn't due for any vaccines and enjoyed updating Dr. Mann on all the boys.  He asked how Sam was doing in school and I was proud to tell him how well he's doing.  And then he asked about Jack, if he was in preschool and, if so, how he liked it.  I proceeded to tell him about our struggle this year with preschool and that currently my middle child is a preschool dropout.  He reassured me that he would be just fine, preschool or not.  And at that very moment, I turned to see if Jack was listening to us as we talked about him.  And there he was.  Stretched out on the exam table, white tissue paper torn and scattered in a mess beneath him, emptying the contents of my wallet.  His little hands working at a frantic pace.  Quickly pulling out bills and change.  And just as quickly, shoving it into his pockets.  I smiled, shook my head and turned to Dr. Mann and said, "Well, there you have it.  That's him.  My middle child.  The one who keeps me on my toes."  He responded with a grin, "Yes.  The middle child.  That's his role."  He paused for just a second, pointed to Will and said, "Just wait, he'll be be the same way.  Probably even more curious, which I know is just nice doctor talk for "Brace yourself.  You haven't seen anything yet!"  It's something I've suspected for a while now, after catching him countless times on top of the kitchen table, pushing the chandelier like a swing.  And discovering little treasures he's added to the washing machine when I turn my back.  And being horrified over his obsession with tail pipes,  sticking his arm inside and pulling it out covered in a black, greasy mess.  Yes, my fears were confirmed.  I haven't seen anything yet.  Lord help me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The best way to describe Will is "Silent but dangerous" I do not know how he can do so much damage and you never hear a thing!
I love you