
Love, Don't Love

I love having boys.
I don't love that my den is often the main ring for Wrestle mania.

I love living on a farm.
I don't love the amount of cow manure that collects on my porch.

I love that my boys are learning about caring for animals.
I don't love that that means animals I despise, like chickens.

I love when Jody takes the boys out of the house in the evening so I can clean up the cow manure and remnants of Wrestle mania.
I don't love when he calls me and tells me to "Come outside quick!"

I love that my oldest boy is brave.
I don't love that he is this brave.


Taylor said...


Anonymous said...

I remember Jody's first snake capture. He caught it in a jar and insisted that we drive it 5 miles away and set it free..which we did.
Love you