
Old School

Cade and Cannon have introduced my boys to old school music.  Like Michael Jackson.  And MC Hammer. Move over "Sink the Bismark" and "The Ballad of Davy Crockett."  My boys are spreading their wings and venturing out into the world of "Beat It" and "Turn This Mutha Out."  And since I once dreamed of being one of MC Hammer's back up dancer, I'm pretty pumped that he is now on my ipod and enjoying some frequent play time.

Now it's time to make my boys understand the songs a little better.

Overheard today...

Sam and Jack broke into a rendition of "Who Let the Dogs Out?' while getting dressed for school this morning (On a side note, this annoying song is not on my ipod.  And I certainly didn't introduce them to it.  I can thank Ally and her kids for that.  They gave Sam a birthday card that sings it and I bet the boys have opened that card 100 times to hear "Who Let the Dogs Out?  Who?  Who? Who?")  After singing it a few times Jack, turned to me with a concerned look on his face and said,"Mama, who did it?  Who really let those dogs out?"

At dinner tonight, the boys decided to sing a little MC Hammer.  And they put the lyrics into action...

"See this cup Jack?  Can't touch this!"
Jack waved his pizza in the air, "Can't touch this!  Sam, Sam, you can't touch this!'
"Want some of my pizza, Will?  Too bad.  Can't touch this!"

And since they take songs a little too literally, I'm wondering if it was the best decision to introduce them to "Ice, Ice Baby".  Note to self, turn off the ice maker in the fridge first thing in the morning.

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