
13 Months

13 Months Old
New Tricks:
Waving "bye bye" to the bath water after he gets out of the tub
Giving kisses
Showing his "muscles"
Removing the drain in the bath tub
Will amazes me with his ability to "fix" things.  He definitely has a mechanical brain and can often be found correctly assembling Sam's nerf shot gun bullets (placing the nerf bullet into a plastic shell) and loading them into the gun the right way.  He loves playing with toy tools and knows how to use the screwdriver and the hammer to put the pieces into the correct places.  He also works very hard to put on any shoes he finds lying around and can put his own hat on and loves to try to put his brothers' belts on.

Cows.  Will is in love with his Daddy's cows, much more so than his older brothers were at this age.  He "moos" at his Daddy as soon as he walks in the door which is him saying, "Take me to see the cows, Daddy."  Moo.  "Please, Daddy."  Moo.  Now, Daddy!"  It is his absolute favorite thing to do.  Just put this sweetie on the gator and drive him through the pasture and he'll be happiest boy around.  And he will also show you his temper if you leave his cows before he's ready.  
M and M's.  Its genetic.  Just like his Daddy and two older brothers, he loves peanut m and m's.  We have a jar of them on our kitchen counter and he now points and grunts at the jar every time he passes it.  I may need to hide the jar.
Playing outside, dancing, dumping water out of the tub, oatmeal, climbing the bunk bed ladder, playing in Mama's china cabinet.  

Will gave up formula nearly a month ago and switched easily to cow's milk.  
He's taking more steps, but is still not a "walker".  Will could have been walking months ago, but he still prefers to crawl.  He's becoming braver and "letting go" a little more each day.
He now has six teeth and wears all 18-24 month clothes.
New words: "eat", "Mama",  "hey"
Becoming more of a Daddy's boy, but still only wants his Mama at bedtime.

Will remains the happiest, sweetest, most lovable little boy.  He is warm and tender and full of smiles and laughter.  He makes every day better just by being here, sharing his precious heart and sweet spirit with us.  He is so loved and adored and I am so overwhelmed with thankfulness that I get to be his Mama.  Thirteen months of bliss with my wonderful, beautiful boy.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just love that picture. He is a happy boy and looks more like you to me than the other two. What a sweet wonderful little boy. So cute!
Love you