
Ten Months

Today you are ten months old.  I find it hard to say that.  Ten months old.  Time continues to pass too quickly and you continue to learn new things and gain more independence nearly daily now.  You are 23 pounds now and wearing all 12-18 month clothes.  Your legs are chunky and sweet and I love squeezing them, causing you to squeal and giggle uncontrollably. Your hair is still dark and has suddenly become wavy in the back.  I think you may have the best hair of all my boys and I love brushing it after your bath and watching the curls appear.  The curls soon disappear and sweet little waves take their place.  Your eyelashes seem to have grown and inch this week and are now long just like your brothers.  Your lashes are different, though, in that they sweep upwards in a precious curl.  They are beautiful and I wonder if your eyes will be your best feature.  Your smile is beautiful and warm and people stop me all the time to comment on your happy smile and pleasant demeanor.  You have five teeth now, three on top, two on the bottom and I can't tell where the next one will be. You look so much like Sam did as a baby and I find myself seeing him in you all the time.  You are still only really saying, "da da" on a regular basis,  but have begun to say "Ay!" (hey) and throw your hand out in a wave.  I still coach you to say "mama" and you giggle at me and refuse to try.  You love to grunt at me and can be quite spastic at times, waving your arms up and down and grunting loudly.  I laugh at you and then you begin to laugh and wave your arms faster and grunt louder.  You are standing alone and can hold your balance for a long time.  You cruise around the furniture and down the kitchen cabinets, but when I encourage you to walk to me, you stand very still, flash me that precious smile and plop down on your bottom. You are eating table food but still prefer bananas, cereal and oatmeal.  You love spaghetti, lasagna and pancakes.  Nearly every time I try to feed you, you wrinkle up your nose and rub your hand all over your face.  I have to try and try before you'll quit making the silly face and just try what I'm offering you.  You pull your socks and shoes off as soon as I buckle you in your car seat and refuse to leave a hat on your head.  You are into everything and love rummaging through cabinets and emptying drawers.  I forget all the messes you make when I scoop you up into my arms and you wrap your chubby arms around my neck and kiss my face.  You give the sloppiest kisses and leaves my cheeks wet with drool.  Those kisses are one of my favorite things and my heart swells every time you bless me with one.  I tell you "thank you" and you stop, smile and begin kissing me again.  There are few things in life as sweet as those moments.    Thank you for those kisses and for the smiles that wash over your face every time you see me.  Your laughter and sweet spirit make me happier than you'll ever know and I love you more every day. Thank you for being so wonderful.  I am in awe of you and feel immensely blessed to share my days with you.  I love you, sweet boy.  More than you'll ever know.

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