

My baby is sick.
Three nights of little sleep.
Two doctor's visits.
My suspicions confirmed.
Sinus infection. 
Double ear infection.
With tubes, no less.
Ten days of antibiotics.  
Ear drops to help the tubes drain.
Cream for the yeast infection that is certain to appear.
It happens anytime he's on an antibiotic.
Probiotics to put in his formula to help with diarrhea.
I am so sick of him being sick.
I need him to be well.
I'd gladly take his double ear infection.
And his sinus infection.
Anything to see him feel good again.
New carpet was installed in the den today.
And the entire contents of that over sized room fill my kitchen and living room.
It is an unorganized mess.
I don't function well when my house is a disaster.
Normally, I'd stay up all night trying to put things where they belong.
But not tonight.
My baby is sick.
And he needs me near him.
Cuddling him and rubbing his head.
And that's exactly what I'll be doing.
And that's exactly what I'll be doing.


Kasey Shipwash said...

Awww Poor Will. I had to take Colson and Kyndal to the dr today. They are so sick. They thought forsure they had the flu but came back neg. Now it is just a viral infection and of course no medicine will help it. Hope Will will get better soon.

Jody said...

Nice picture. did you take with your Nikon?