

Sam and Jack started preschool today.  They woke up happy and excited and did so well getting ready and out the door.  Jack clung to my leg when I took him to his room and I fully expected him to follow me out door. Thankfully his teacher distracted him with toy animals and I was able to sneak out without incident.  I showed Sam to his room and watched him find his seat and join the others.  He was so brave and was fighting back tears as I hugged him goodbye.  Leaving him when he was so obviously scared was horrible.  I worried about them all morning and felt as if I'd left two thirds of my heart behind when I drove away.  I was thrilled to see them run out with huge grins on their faces when I picked them up.  I desperately want them to happy and content and to never experience fear or doubt.   And so all too soon, it begins...the letting go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they are already at pre-school. Such grown up little boys.
Love you