

Today you are four and a half. Four and a half. Why, oh why, are you growing up so fast? My heart can't take it. I adore who you are, at the midpoint between four and five. And I never, ever want to forget all that makes you, you today...

sweet...inquisitive...Davy Crockett...fast shoes...cowboys...kindness..."I love you all the way to heaven"...brushing your teeth until they are "shiny"...size 6/7 clothes...cautious...tender hearted...stubbornness...dressing up...preschool...Daddy's best friend...persistent..."What would Davy Crockett do?"...long sleeve pants...sleeping late...tall...carrying you to the playroom in the mornings..."I need a snack before I can go to sleep"...cap guns...compassionate...swimming...questions about heaven..."I'm so tired I just don't know what to do"...blue jeans...belt buckles..."Are my boots right?" ...concerned...costumes...sweet spirit...big brother...responsible...silly...shy..."Mama, don't worry, I'll always be your baby"..."Boone the mountain"...learning new things...practicing writing...size 13.5 shoes...my helper...my buddy...my sunshine.

When I pick you up and carry you now, I notice that your legs hang well below my knees. And I can't believe it. Just yesterday you were wearing onesies and sitting sweetly on my hip. And today you are so big, so tall. I'm overwhelmed by your spirit and so amazed by your heart. You make me happier than you'll ever know and I am so thankful that you are my son. I love you. To the moon and back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam in a very intense little boy. He will reason with you until you finally see that he is right. Remind you of anyone...........