

Will has had quite a week. A week filled with wonderful new things and accomplishments. He'd been trying for so long to sit alone, but would always tumble over after a few seconds. I would prop him up next to me for support so that he could sit and play. I knew it wouldn't be long before he wouldn't need my support. And now, sadly, he doesn't...
After mastering sitting alone, Will decided to conquer something he had worked for on weeks...crawling. This poor boy has been trying so hard for so long to crawl. He would lift himself up, balance on his toes, squeal and then fall to the floor in frustration. He just couldn't figure out how to move his arms and then his legs in order to get where he wanted to go.
But now, my sweet little one has it figured out! He is crawling. Slowly but surely he makes his way from one toy to another or to his favorite spot...Mama's lap. I cheer and he laughs. Cheer...laugh...hooray...giggle...clap...smile. It's what we do now. He moves and I become his personal cheering section. He is getting faster every day and can spin in a circle in record time. He is so proud of himself and I love seeing him so happy with himself.
To top our week of firsts, his first tooth made it's grand entrance a few days ago. His bottom left front tooth is in and the one beside it is already visible under the gums. He's been his fussiest this week, but still laughs and smiles all the time. I had a long talk with him and explained that I was very proud of him, but he didn't have to do so many new things at the same time. To show me who's boss, he finished up the week of firsts with a doozy. His first ear infection. And a double one at that. Even with hurting ears, he is still my sweet little cuddle bug. My sweetie who is growing up too fast and changing every day. He is my happiness and I adore him.


Anonymous said...

He is so precious and growing to fast

Anonymous said...

He is so cute and takes such great pictures
I just love him so much