

Maybe it's because his new haircut makes him look like a seven year old. Or maybe it's because he'll start preschool in a month. Or possibly because he reminded me today that he will be five on his next birthday. Whatever it is, I am so sad that he is growing up so fast. I see him changing before my very eyes on a daily basis. I am so proud of him and all that he is becoming, a boy with a pure, sweet, caring heart. But, oh, how I wish I could freeze time. I want the days to pass slower and our hugs to last longer. I want to soak up every minute of my time with him. Precious time. Priceless time. And I hope he'll always know what he means to me. This little boy who made me a mother and taught me about love. May he always know he is loved, he is cherished and he is wonderfully made. May he always know that regardless of old he is or how tall he grows, he's my baby. My first baby. Always.

"There he is, my little man
I'm sure he'll get in trouble every now and then
And I pray to God that when he does
I'll be just as understanding as my father was
'Cause the last thing that I wanna do is let him down
So instead of being angry, I'm gonna throw my arms around him

And I'll say in the sunlight or the rain
Brightest nights or darkest days
I'll always feel the same way
Whatever road you may be on
Know you're never too far gone
My love is there wherever you may be
Just remember that you'll always be my baby"

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