
Four Months

Will, my four month old sweetie. What makes you so wonderful these days...

You are a butterball of squishy, soft, sweetness. You are nearing 18 pounds and are completely wearing 6-12 month clothes now. I love every inch of you, especially those chubby legs and arms. Those deep crevices on your legs and the roll on the back of your neck make my heart smile.

You are so ticklish. Every part of you is ticklish, from your neck to your feet. I love to tickle you and "get your sugar" while you squeal in delight. My favorite place to nuzzle you is under your precious arms and I do it so much that you begin laughing as soon as I begin to pull your arms up.

Your laugh. You have the purest, happiest, most infectious laugh. Your laugh makes me laugh, just like your smile makes me smile. I have a feeling you will always have this effect on me.

You are so close to reaching some pretty great milestones. You are gaining more strength and try so hard to sit up. If I lay you on your back, you immediately work your hardest to roll to your belly and you then raise up on your arms and look around, taking in everything you see. You are already pushing off on your legs in an attempt to become mobile and crawl around. Maybe if I spent a little less time cuddling you and let you have more time on your belly, you could do more. Sorry about that buddy, but cuddling with you is one of my favorite things.

When you wake up in the morning, I roll you onto your back and you smile the biggest, happiest smile. You are thrilled to start another day and your excitement is a reminder that it's the simplest things that we should be happy about, like waking up to a new day surrounded by people we love. I pray that life never robs you of that joy.

You are teething and I hate seeing you hurting. You constantly have drool dripping from your mouth which I remind your Daddy is actually "liquid sugar." You suck your bottom lip in a lot in an attempt to ease the pain and roll your tongue around on your bottom gums. Teething has caused you to fuss more than anything thus far, but it is still minimal. You are just a good, joyful baby.

You try so hard to communicate with me and your cooing drags on and on like sentences. You seem to have so much to tell me and I already hang on your every "word."

Your hair is starting to grow back and is the softest, dark peach fuzz. I can't wait to see if you'll have hair like your older brothers. When it's humid outside, your hair appears to curl on the sides and back. Maybe you'll have little curls like your Daddy does when his hair is long.

You are pretty attached to me and will sometimes only be content if I'm the one holding you. You are crazy about me and your face lights up when you hear my voice or see my face. I'm crazy for you, too, sweet boy.

Your eyes are still blue, but I am beginning to see flecks of brown in them. I wonder what color they will be and if you'll be my third brown eyed boy.

You can poke your bottom lip out at any given moment and I'm a sucker for it already. You may avoid a lot of punishment in the future if you keep working that bottom lip. It's precious and heartbreaking all at the same time.

I try to capture your beautiful smile all the time but as soon as I put the camera in front of my face, you freeze. Every single time. I pull the camera away, you smile. I put the camera back up to my face, you freeze. Just like clockwork.

I can hardly believe you've been here for one third of a year. Time is moving too fast and you are growing at a pace that scares me. You are sweet and amazing and I can't imagine not seeing your bright, beaming smile every morning. Thank you for being so wonderful and for bringing me such happiness and fulfillment. I love you Will, more than you could ever know.

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