

Around our house lately...

Sam and Jack are completely obsessed with Davy Crockett.  We've moved on from Old Yeller to Davy Crockett.  Old Yeller is now the movie we watch in the car so I don't find myself singing "Here Yeller, come back Yeller...best doggone dog in the west" nearly as much these days.  Now I am constantly singing "Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee..."  I have seen Davy Crockett too many times to count in the past few days.  Thank you Jody and Amazon.com.

Jack has found a new love...having his back scratched.  He snuggles up beside you and insists that you "Scickle his back."  "Scickle" is Jack's idea of a scratch/tickle combination.

Sam told me yesterday that he wasn't ever going to have a girlfriend and that "all he needed was his Mama."  My heart melted.  He then announced that he wouldn't ever be attending school either.

I have yet to find a baby food Will won't eat.  Tonight he devoured a bowl of prunes and cereal.  More proof that he's the best baby ever.

Sam and Jack can both shoot a bow and arrow and properly hold and shoot their toy rifles. Their Daddy is so proud.

I order the new spicy chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-a every time I go now.  Even though it burns my insides and makes my nose run.  I have a problem.

Both boys are doing great in the water.  Sam can hold his breath very well and is practicing on swimming without his wings.  I've worked with him on coming up and taking a breath while continuing to swim and he is learning quickly.  I taught so many kids to swim during my summers at the local pool, but there's nothing like watching your own child learn.

Will strains to sit up anytime I lay him down.  He can now reach out and grab things, like Nana's necklace, and loves to hit the toys that hang from his car seat.

We made our first trip to the big pool this week.  The boys all did great and Rebecca was a huge help to me.  I'm not quite sure how I will manage all three by myself.  Rebecca sat with Will while he slept so that I could play with the big boys.  They had such fun jumping off the side to me and we made two rounds on the lazy river.  Unfortunately, Jack completely freaked out when I tried to pull the inter tube off of him and he went a little nuts.  He screamed and grabbed onto me, completely panicked.  Others were standing by us waiting to use our floats on the river. He grabbed my bathing suit top and jerked it down, completely exposing me.  I quickly grabbed my top and pulled it up while I heard someone say to me, "Oh, hi.  Can I help you?  I know you from Chick-fil-a."  Yes, it was one of the cashiers from my favorite hangout and now she had seen a whole new side of me.  Lovely.

Today I took the boys to the movies.  We met Ally there and Mary was also there with her kids.  The boys did great in the theater and I was surprised at how smooth things were going. Key word...were.  When we walked out, Jack saw one of those games where you drop the claw to retrieve a toy.  This particular one was full of balls and Jack screamed that he wanted one. I told him no and proceeded to walk.  My child fell out on the ground, kicking and screaming and holding onto my legs.  I was horrified.  And he kept doing it.  I passed Will off to Ally and carried him to the machine, fished out fifty cents from my wallet and showed him that these games are a trick and impossible to win.  He went even more nuts.  Screaming at the top of his lung.  Flailing his body.  Kicking and screaming.   Snot and tears everywhere. Mothers were walking by me, smiling and looking at me with such pity.  I was mortified.  I literally had to pick him up, throw him over my shoulder and carry him kicking and screaming to the car. Thirty seconds after getting him in the car, he was smiling and happy again.  I, on the other hand, was a sweaty, tired mess.  Allyson told me later that everyone appreciated Jack showing them how good their children were behaving. 

My crazy, unpredictable, wonderful life.  And it's only Wednesday.

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