
Losing It

It's happening.  It was inevitable.  Most babies go through it.  His older brothers did.  But still, it makes me sad.  Will is losing all his sweet baby hair.  He has very little left on top while the back remains thick and dark.   So he looks like a man with a horribly bad receding hair line. His hair comes out in thick sections and I find it stuck in the folds of his yummy, chubby neck.  It's a sad time for me.  I always hate seeing that beautiful, newborn hair disappear.
Thankfully, Will doesn't seem to mind.  His self esteem remains in tact, hair or no hair. Maybe because I keep telling him not to worry, that it's just hair, and it will grow back. And I constantly kiss that precious receding hair line. And, of course, I remind him that he's still the most handsome, adorable, three month old I know.  Bald or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bald or not...He is beautiful