
The Tooth

Last week at Cade's t-ball game, Sam crawled up the fence behind home plate. He was up pretty far up when Jack grabbed his foot to pull him down. Unfortunately, on the way down, Sam hit his mouth on the metal pole. I ran to him, fully expecting to see blood everywhere. His eyes were full of tears and when he opened his mouth, I saw it. His front tooth was completely cracked across the front. He hit so hard he had the silver metal color across his tooth. I rushed him home and called our dentist. We went to see Dr. Lee early the next morning and he said we needed to go to a pediatric specialist. I found a specialist and they said the tooth would have to pulled, but they couldn't do it until the following Thursday. One week later! Thankfully the tooth died and he wasn't in pain. He mastered biting and chewing on the side, but as the week passed the tooth continued to loosen and push further back in his mouth.

This morning we headed to the dentist to have his tooth pulled. They called Sam back and Jody and I both walked to the door with him. At which time the hygienist said, "Um, mam, we encourage them to go back by themselves, without their parents." And at which time I looked at her like she had five heads. Was she crazy? Jody and I looked at each other in shock. There was no way we were sending him back there alone to have a tooth pulled. So I ever so nicely told her, "Um, I don't think so." and marched myself to the back with Sam. They made me wait in a central area close to his chair but not by him. After then telling another hygienist how I felt about the whole situation she told me I could go get Jody and bring him back too. I'm sure they all thought I was a nutcase but they were the crazy ones to think I'd send him back there without me or his Daddy. Sam did remarkably well. He did cry and I had to sit there and listen to him, knowing he was hurting and there was nothing I could do about it. It was agony. Five long minutes later he was done and sporting a new smile.

I must admit this whole situation has been hard for me. Between him getting hurt, the crazy folks at the dentist office and him losing a tooth, my nerves have been torn up this week. I couldn't bear the idea of him having to have a tooth pulled and walking around for the next few years with a big hole in his mouth. I mean he is my baby, you know. Jody even kindly told me I was getting on his nerves. So I am trying to suck it up and be grateful that it was just a little baby tooth. And I must say that toothless grin is starting to grow on me.

Before, with the damaged tooth...

And after, my toothless cutie...

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