

Jack...oh, how you make me smile. And laugh. And sometimes pull my hair out. But mostly just smile. Like when you make me go into my bedroom every morning when Will wakes up and pick him up and then put you on the other hip. You grin and say," Mama's got two boys! Mama's got two boys!" until we make it to the playroom and I plop you on the couch. We must do this every morning. No exceptions. And I smile when you walk up and kiss me in the strangest places like the elbow or on my back. And when you tell me your Daddy works at "Two Lions " and I have no idea what you are talking about. And how you always say "thank you" or "thanks." And how sometimes you ask me, "Mama, can I have your hair?" when you're ready to go to sleep and want to play with my hair. You make me smile by simply being you. I love you, Jack.

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