

7:00 am. That's when things get rolling around here these days. And it's kicking my tail. Sam spoiled me when it was just us. He loved to sleep in and has been known to sleep until noon. If he wakes up too early, I can usually tell him, "Sam, honey, it's too early to get up. Go back to sleep." And he does. He is a lot like me in this sense. He appreciates a good night's sleep. Will is currently doing his best sleeping in the morning. He will usually sleep fairly late and once he wakes up, he is only awake for a short time before taking a good morning nap. I'm crossing my fingers that he'll follow in Sam's footsteps when it comes to sleep. Jack is just like his Daddy. He is an early riser. If he sees light trickling in his window, he is certain it is time to wake up. And there is no telling him it's too early to get up and getting him to go back to sleep. I muddled through the days before Will was here, knowing I could go to bed early if I needed to or catch an occasional nap. But now 7:00 is killing me. I would pay good money to anyone that can tell me how to keep my middle child in bed longer.
Jack doesn't nap 90% of the time and by 2:00, he is a hornet. If Sam gets woken up by Jack, he is unbearable by dinnertime. So afternoons are tough around here lately. Everyone is done. Including me. Jack is asleep for the night usually by 9:00 and Sam goes to bed around 10:00. It's usually 10:30 or 11:00 before I get Will down for the night and I piddle around until midnight most nights. Seventeen hours of constant business. Seventeen hours without one minute of free time. It's tough. And I am tired...very, very tired. But I sure love my days with these three sweeties. I just really need a nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are the cutest boys. When they are about 13 and older, then you can't get them out of bed.
Love those babies