
Lambs and Rats

Sam and Jack smother Will with lots of love and attention. I have to be careful when I walk out of the room and leave him in his swing or seat because I will often walk back in to find him covered in two or three blankets, burp cloths, a sleeping bag and the occasional clothing item that has been left on the floor. Apparently his big brothers worry that he is constantly really, really cold. Today I walked in to find them digging through the stuffed animals to find the perfect thing to snuggle with Will in his swing. I stood back and watched. Sam carefully chose the softest items, two little sweet lambs, and went and placed them ever so carefully on each side of Will. He even tucked the lambs under the blanket so they could all be warm. Jack, not to be outdone, had to chose the perfect animal too. What sweet creature did he chose? A kitten, puppy, pony, pig? Forget about it. He chose a rat. A loud, ugly, vibrating rat. And forget about placing it nicely by the sweet lambs resting under the blanket. Nope, he plopped that scratchy rat right on Will's face. And he was very proud of his work. Will seems to be getting used to his big brother's personalities and he didn't flinch. I removed the rat from his face and laid it in his lap so as not to hurt Jack's feelings. Will better keep being so mellow or he doesn't stand a chance around here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You tell Jack it is the thought that counts.
I love the new picture on the opening of the blog. SO CUTE