
Still A Boy

Sam is an animal lover.  These days he is big on buffaloes, rhinos and hippos.  But he still enjoys hanging out with domesticated animals like those around the farm.  He is quite good with the animals and knows how to approach them without scaring them and how to keep a safe distance to avoid being kicked or knocked down.  He is remarkably mature and smart and his kindness and compassion makes us proud.
But then like any boy, you throw in a stick, or pvc pipe in this case, and the mischief begins.  And that sweet, compassionate, animal lover begins chasing the small cows around, prodding them with his weapon.  And laughing each time he gets close enough to actually give one a slight poke, unafraid of them or the bigger cows standing nearby.  Yes, boys will be boys.  And for that I'm sorry, dear cows.

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